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English-German translation for: hatred
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Dictionary English German: hatred

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

English German
NOUN   hatred | -
SYNO   hate | hatred
Hass {m}
Gehässigkeit {f}
Abscheu {m} {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to arouse hatredHass erregen
to arouse hatredHass erwecken
to arouse hatredHass hervorrufen
to arouse hatredHass wecken
to incur sb.'s hatredsichDat. jds. Hass zuziehen
to incur sb.'s hatredjds. Hass auf sich ziehen
to nourish hatredHass hegen
2 Words: Nouns
bitter hatrederbitterter Hass {m}
blazing hatredglühender Hass {m}
blind hatredblinder Hass {m}
bottomless hatredbodenloser Hass {m}
sociol. class hatredKlassenhass {m}
class hatredKlassenhaß {m} [alt]
concealed hatredversteckter Hass {m}
deadly hatredtödlicher Hass {m}
fraternal hatredBruderhass {m}
hatred forHass {m} auf
hatred forHass {m} gegen
hatred ofHass {m} auf
hatred ofHass {m} gegen
implacable hatredunerbittlicher Hass {m}
implacable hatredunversöhnlicher Hass {m}
intense hatredstarker Hass {m}
mortal hatredtödlicher Hass {m}
mortal hatredHass {m} bis zum Tode
psych. non-hatredNichthass {m}
profound hatredtiefer Hass {m}
pol. sociol. racial hatredRassenhass {m}
pol. sociol. racial hatredRassenhaß {m} [alt]
psych. self-hatredSelbsthass {m}
psych. self-hatredSelbsthaß {m} [alt]
settled hatredtiefer Hass {m}
smouldering hatred [Br.]schwelender Hass {m}
virulent hatredunversöhnlicher Hass {m}
3 Words: Others
blinded by hatred {adj} [postpos.]blind vor Hass [nachgestellt]
consumed by hatred {adj} [postpos.]von / vom Hass verzehrt
crazed with hatred {adj} [postpos.]hasswütig
devoid of hatred {adj} [postpos.]frei von Hass [nachgestellt]
filled with hatred {adj} [postpos.]hasserfüllt
3 Words: Verbs
to bear hatred against sb.gegen jdn. einen Hass hegen
to bear hatred towards sb.jdm. gegenüber Hass hegen
to fill with hatredverhetzen
to instill hatred into sb. [Am.]jdm. Hass einflößen
to stir up hatredHass schüren
3 Words: Nouns
bottled-up hatredangestauter Hass {m}
burst of hatredHassausbruch {m}
deep-rooted hatredtief verwurzelter Hass {m}
deeply implanted hatredtief verwurzelter Hass {m}
eruption of hatredHassausbruch {m}
eruption of hatredHaßausbruch {m} [alt]
expression of hatredHassbekundung {f}
pol. relig. sociol. hatred against JewsJudenhass {m}
pol. sociol. hatred of foreignersAusländerhass {m}
pol. sociol. hatred of foreignersFremdenhass {m}
pol. relig. sociol. hatred of JewsJudenhass {m}
hatred of menMännerhass {m}
hatred of religionReligionshass {m}
pol. sociol. hatred of RussiansRussenhass {m}
pol. sociol. hatred of strangersFremdenhass {m}
hatred of womenFrauenhass {m}
object of hatredHassobjekt {n}
torrent of hatredHasstirade {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to be imbued with hatredhasserfüllt sein
to develop (a) hatred for sb.(einen) Hass gegen jdn. entwickeln
to harbour a hatred for sb. [Br.]gegen jdn. (einen) Hass hegen
to stir up hatred against sb./sth.gegen jdn./etw. hetzen
4 Words: Nouns
relig. sociol. hatred of the churchKirchenhass {m}
5+ Words: Others
bibl. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like ... [Galatians 5:20-21; KJV]Abgötterei, Zauberei, Feindschaft, Hader, Neid, Zorn, Zank, Zwietracht, Rotten, Haß, Mord, Saufen, Fressen und dergleichen ... [Galater 5,20-21; Luther 1912]
5+ Words: Verbs
to nurture a deep hatred of sb.einen tiefen Hass gegen jdn. hegen
5+ Words: Nouns
a look filled with hatred / hateein hasserfüllter Blick {m}
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Q 2013-11-28: hate vs hatred
A 2013-02-14: hatred of = Hass auf (nicht "Hass von")
A 2011-04-16: +bourgeois self-hatred+ is a well worn cliché
A 2011-04-11: cries of hatred went to and fro ever growing louder...
A 2011-04-11: His seed of hatred fell on fertile ground
A 2009-12-17: " lagacy" hat manchmal einen negativen Beiklang: "a legacy of fear and hatred"
A 2009-12-16: turning hatred into a positive approach? come on!
A 2009-12-15: sexual hatred ?
Q 2008-03-20: hatred for man and his works?
A 2008-02-14: Xenophobia is fear (phobia!), but it also means hatred of foreigners.
A 2008-02-14: ermm... xenophobia is the fear of strangers, not the hatred or enmity towa...
A 2008-01-28: hate vs. hatred
A 2008-01-27: hate > das Hassen, Hass-; hatred > der Hass: +hate+ ist verbaler, aktiver,...
Q 2008-01-27: hate vs. hatred
A 2007-11-18: the "sich" in "sich um die Reinheit bringt" refers to the hatred -
Q 2006-03-10: has a continuing history of hatred, violence and bloodshed
A 2006-01-28: hatred of / for / against - decreasing order of frequency according to Mot...
A 2006-01-28: hatred "for" ?
A 2006-01-28: If it must be 'developed', the idea may be even more commonly expressed as...
A 2006-01-28: "She developed a hatred against this person" ...

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