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English-German translation for: hawk
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Dictionary English German: hawk

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NOUN   a hawk | hawks
VERB  to hawk | hawked | hawked ... 
SYNO   hawk | war hawk | mortarboard ... 
to hawk sth. [sell]
etw.Akk. verhökern [ugs.]
to hawk sth. [coll.] [sell off]
etw.Akk. verscherbeln [ugs.]
comm. to hawk
to hawk sth. [coll.] [sell]
etw.Akk. verticken [ugs.] [verkaufen]
hunting to hawk
to hawk
to hawk [harrumph]sich räuspern
to hawk [peddle goods aggressively]auf der Straße verkaufen
pol. hawk [fig.]
Falke {m}
pol. hawk [fig.]
Kriegshetzer {m}
orn. T
Habicht {m}
pol. hawk [fig.]
Kriegstreiber {m}
constr. hawk [mortarboard]
Mörtelbrett {n} [Reibebrett]
2 Words: Others
hawk-eyed {adj}scharfsichtig
2 Words: Verbs
stocks to hawk sharesmit Aktien hausieren
to hawk sth. around [also fig.]mit etw.Dat. hausieren gehen [auch fig. Redewendung]
idiom to hawk sth. around [coll.]etw.Akk. kolportieren [geh.]
to hawk up sth. [coll.] [phlegm]etw.Akk. aushusten
2 Words: Nouns
chicken hawk [sl.]Päderast {m}
hawk noseHabichtsnase {f}
hunting hawk trap [cage or basket]Habichtskorb {m}
hawk's eyes [fig.]Adleraugen {pl} [fig.]
mineral. hawk's-eye [gemstone]Falkenauge {n} [Schmuckstein]
orn. hunting hawk [human-trained]Beizvogel {m}
constr. tools mason's hawk [mortarboard]Mörtelbrett {n}
war hawk [fig.]Kriegshetzer {m}
pol. war hawk [fig.]Kriegstreiber {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to be hawk-eyedscharfsichtig sein
to be hawk-eyed [fig.]Adleraugen haben [fig.]
to hawk a loogie [Am.] [sl.]sich räuspern und ausspucken
to hawk about / aroundGerüchte verbreiten
comm. to hawk products to sb. [coll.]jdm. Produkte andrehen [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. Black Hawk WarBlack-Hawk-Krieg {m}
hawk-dove (game) [game theory]Falke-Taube-Spiel {n} [Spieltheorie]
sports Hawk-Eye® (system)Adlerauge {n} [ugs.] [Hawk-Eye®] [System zur Ballverfolgung im Sport]
sports Hawk-Eye® (system)Falkenauge {n} [auch: Falken-Auge] [ugs.] [Hawk-Eye®] [System zur Ballverfolgung im Sport]
sports Hawk-Eye® (system)Hawk-Eye® {n} [System zur Ballverfolgung im Sport]
hawk's eye viewHabichtsgesicht {n} [selten]
4 Words: Verbs
to watch like a hawk [idiom]wie ein Haftelmacher aufpassen [Redewendung] [österr.] [bayer.]
to watch like a hawk [idiom]wie ein Heftelmacher aufpassen [Redewendung]
to watch like a hawk [idiom]wie ein Luchs aufpassen [Redewendung]
to watch like a hawk [idiom]wie ein Schießhund aufpassen [Redewendung]
idiom to watch sth. like a hawketw. mit Argusaugen beobachten
4 Words: Nouns
eyes like a hawkHabichtsaugen {pl} [fig.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to have eyes like a hawk [idiom]Adleraugen haben [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Black Hawk Down [Ridley Scott]Black Hawk Down
lit. F Footsteps of the Hawk [Andrew Vachss]Die Schritte des Falken
film F Hawk the Slayer [Terry Marcel]HawkHüter des magischen Schwertes
film F The Sea Hawk [Frank Lloyd]Die Seeteufel
film F The Sea Hawk [Michael Curtiz]Der Herr der sieben Meere
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Q 2023-07-17: Does +Rufus the Hawk+ watch over this Forum as well?
Q 2019-09-11: Wegnehmen des Subjects, z. B. "sports" bei Hawk-Eye® (system)
A 2017-10-13: +goog1+ watching like a hawk \ sozusagen ein Haftelmacher ...
A 2017-05-14: red-tailed hawk, red-shouldered hawk
A 2012-05-05: Henery the Hawk ist ein Chickenhawk, nicht ein Chickenhawk.
A 2012-05-05: Henery Hawk
A 2011-11-23: It is (or is supposed to be) a blend: hawk - dove
A 2010-03-21: hawk's hood or falcon's hood
A 2009-12-14: Depends on which people. Had none of them seen a hawk air diving at 300 kph?
A 2009-12-03: keeping a close keen watchful vigilant BEADY hawk's eye on -----
A 2006-03-14: Piss off / get lost / stuffed, shitter / shitstain / shit-head / shit-face...
A 2006-01-12: my dictionary says: a nostril, esp. a hawk's; also Nasenloch
A 2004-04-28: Food for hawk: a Sälmling is a young salmon
Q 2004-04-16: Enough elephant, hawk or whoever
A 2004-04-12: elephant/hawk/elephant
A 2004-04-10: there was a broken link to my nick hawk
A 2004-04-07: rkcba 1: hawk 0
A 2004-04-06: My new nick is Hawk
A 2004-03-24: Hawk (elephant I presume?) please give us context if you wnt good answers....
A 2004-03-20: Hey hawk,

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