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English-German translation for: he
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Dictionary English German: he

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PRON  he | him | his ... 
SYNO   He | atomic number 2 | helium
he {pron}
Oi! [coll.]
He! [ugs.]
Oy! [coll.]
He! [ugs.]
Eh! [coll.]He!
he'd [he had]er hatte
he'd [he would]er würde
he'll [he will / shall]er wird
he's [he has]er hat
he's [he is]er ist
Yo! [Am.] [sl.]He!
chem. FoodInd. helium <He> [E-939]
Helium {n} <He>
geogr. Hesse [also Hessia]
Hessen {n} <HE>
med. hepatoencephalopathy <HE>Hepatoenzephalopathie {f} <HE>
2 Words: Others
he aloneer allein
He arose.Er hat sich erhoben.
He came.Er ist gekommen.
He left.Er ist weg.
He originated ...Von ihm stammt ...
He ran.Er lief.
He sang.Er sang.
He sang.Er hat gesungen. [südd.]
He threw.Er hat geworfen.
he who {pron}derjenige
He's busy.Er ist nicht zu sprechen.
He's chicken. [coll.]Er ist ein Feigling.
He's chicken. [coll.]Er ist ein feiges Huhn. [ugs.]
ethn. He's English.Er ist Engländer.
He's family.Er gehört zur Familie.
He's finished.Er ist geschlagen.
He's flakey. [Am.]Er ist unzuverlässig.
He's from ...Er kommt aus ...
He's hopeless.An ihm ist Hopfen und Malz verloren. [ugs.] [Redewendung] [seltener neben: Bei ...]
He's peeved. [coll.]Ihm ist eine Laus über die Leber gelaufen. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
He's prejudiced.Er ist voreingenommen.
He's Scottish.Er ist Schotte.
He's Spanish.Er ist Spanier.
He's unflappable.Er ist durch nichts aus der Fassung zu bringen.
He's yellow!Er hat Schiss!
high explosive {adj} <HE>hochexplosiv
s/he {pron}er/sie
2 Words: Nouns
zool. he-catKater {m}
zool. he-goatBock {m} [Ziegenbock]
zool. he-goatGeißbock {m}
zool. he-goatZiegenbock {m}
he-man [coll.]echter Mann {m}
he-man [coll.]ganzer Kerl {m} [ugs.]
comp. height unit <HU>Höheneinheit {f} <HE>
audio engin. Helmholtz number <He>Helmholtz-Zahl {f} <He>
med. hepatic encephalopathy <HE>hepatische Enzephalopathie {f} <HE>
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Search time: 0.031 sec

Q 2024-05-25: He wouldn't give it a house-room. ??
A 2024-03-08: "Since Christmas he worked in the communication industry." He no longer wo...
A 2024-02-21: he does not suffer from / is not prone to tunnel vision / narrow-mindedness
A 2023-12-12: That American has no legal or business knowledge. He pretends to have them.
A 2023-12-10: The old fart posturing again, waffling on what he does not know.
A 2023-11-23: Or maybe he has closed the old and started a new account yesterday.
Q 2023-07-10: He lay down low to the race
A 2023-07-01: it's an expression of mild surprise: "you wouldn't have thought so but he ...
A 2023-06-08: Aber @sunfunlili: He/she/they did a bunk heißt auf Deutsch?
A 2023-06-02: Or in a Harlem youth's beloved triple negative: "He don't give no shit abo...
A 2023-05-28: he has (the) balls [not polite] / guts ... and he has what it takes
A 2023-05-24: Dracs, he asked for an idiomatic translation. Your translation would not b...
A 2023-05-02: Weird usage, I think you're bang on and he's using it as a generic organic...
A 2023-03-29: We do not know why the shooter did what he did. Your comment is a lie.
A 2023-03-29: "he" versus "they"
A 2023-03-27: oder vielleicht: With an email, he socked it to him
A 2023-02-23: Well, now that we have the next sentence, it's fairly obvious what they've...
A 2022-12-29: When he learnt that I was living in Mainz, he shared some of his memories ...
A 2022-12-10: He's high functioning
A 2022-09-14: ... it might mean +he who gives truthful / equitable advice+ ...

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