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English-German translation for: headache
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Dictionary English German: headache

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

English German
NOUN   a headache | headaches
SYNO   concern | headache | vexation ... 
headache {sg}
Kopfschmerzen {pl}
Kopfschmerz {m}
Kopfweh {n} [ugs.]
headache [coll.] [fig.]
Problem {n}
headache [esp. as a result of boozing]
Brummschädel {m} [ugs.]
headache [fig.]
Sorge {f}
headache [fig.] [annoying problem]
Kopfzerbrechen {n}
med. headacheHauptweh {n} [veraltet]
headacheSchädelweh {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [Kopfschmerzen]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
2 Words: Nouns
bad headache {sg}schlimme Kopfschmerzen {pl}
med. blinding headache {sg}blendende Kopfschmerzen {pl}
med. cluster headacheClusterkopfschmerz {m}
med. cluster headacheCluster-Kopfschmerz {m}
med. frontal headacheStirnkopfschmerz {m}
med. headache disorderKopfschmerzerkrankung {f}
headache man [Am.] [sl.] [law enforcement agent]Bulle {m} [ugs.]
pharm. headache pillKopfschmerztablette {f}
med. headache pillKopfwehpulver {n} [österr.] [ugs.]
pharm. headache remedyKopfschmerzmittel {n}
pharm. headache tabletKopfschmerztablette {f}
pharm. headache tabletKopfwehtablette {f} [ugs.]
med. hemicranial headache {sg}halbseitige Kopfschmerzen {pl}
med. histamine headacheHistaminkopfschmerz {m}
med. histamine headacheHistamin-Kopfschmerz {m}
med. hypnic headacheSchlafkopfschmerz {m}
med. preorgasmic headachePräorgasmuskopfschmerz {m}
proper headacherichtiges Kopfweh {n}
med. psych. psychogenic headachepsychisch bedingter Spannungskopfschmerz {m}
racking headache {sg}quälende Kopfschmerzen {pl}
med. sex headache [sexual headache]Sexkopfschmerz {m}
med. sexual headacheSexualkopfschmerz {m}
splitting headacherasender Kopfschmerz {m}
splitting headache {sg}rasende Kopfschmerzen {pl}
med. stress headache {sg}Stresskopfschmerzen {pl}
med. stress headache {sg} [tension / tension-type headache]Spannungskopfschmerzen {pl} <SKS> [ugs. bzw. veraltet]
med. tension headacheSpannungskopfschmerz {m}
med. tension headache {sg}Spannungskopfschmerzen {pl} [ugs. bzw. veraltet für: Kopfschmerz vom Spannungstyp]
med. thunderclap headacheDonnerschlagkopfschmerz {m}
med. Unverified thunderclap headacheVernichtungskopfschmerz {m}
vicious headache {sg}scheußliche Kopfschmerzen {pl}
vicious headache {sg}üble Kopfschmerzen {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to give sb. a headachejdm. Kopfweh machen [ugs.]
to give sb. a headache [also fig.]jdm. Kopfschmerzen bereiten [auch fig.]
to have a headacheKopfschmerzen haben
to have a headacheKopfweh haben [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
a vicious headache {sg}böse Kopfschmerzen {pl}
med. benign sex headache <BSH>gutartiger Sexualkopfschmerz {m}
med. benign thunderclap headache [dated] [primary thunderclap headache]benigner Donnerschlagkopfschmerz {m} [veraltet] [primärer Donnerschlagkopfschmerz]
med. coital thunderclap headache [primary headache associated with sexual activity]primärer Donnerschlagkopfschmerz {m} [Sexualkopfschmerz]
med. cold-stimulus headache <CSH>Kältekopfschmerz {m}
med. pharm. drug-induced headachemedikamenteninduzierter Kopfschmerz {m}
med. ice cream headacheHirnfrost {m}
med. ice cream headacheKältekopfschmerz {m}
med. one-sided headache {sg}einseitige Kopfschmerzen {pl}
med. primary cough headache <PCH>primärer Hustenkopfschmerz {m}
med. primary thunderclap headache <PTH>primärer Donnerschlagkopfschmerz {m}
stress-related headache {sg}Stresskopfschmerzen {pl}
stress-related headache {sg}stressbedingte Kopfschmerzen {pl}
med. tension-type headache {sg} <TTH>Muskelkontraktionskopfschmerz {m} [veraltet für: Kopfschmerz vom Spannungstyp]
med. tension-type headache {sg} <TTH>Spannungskopfschmerzen {pl} <SKS> [ugs. bzw. veraltet für: Kopfschmerz vom Spannungstyp]
med. tension-type headache {sg} <TTH>psychomyogene Kopfschmerzen {pl} [veraltet für: Kopfschmerz vom Spannungstyp]
med. tension-type headache <TTH>Kopfschmerz {m} vom Spannungstyp <TTH>
4 Words: Others
afflicted with a headache {adj}von Kopfschmerzen befallen
4 Words: Verbs
to cause sb. quite a headache [fig.]jdm. Kopfzerbrechen bereiten
to complain of a headacheüber Kopfschmerzen klagen
5+ Words: Others
proverb A crown is no cure for a headache.Eine Krone ist kein Mittel gegen Kopfweh.
She has a slight headache.Sie hat leichte Kopfschmerzen.
5+ Words: Nouns
med. meteo. headache {sg} caused by foehn (winds)Föhnkopfschmerzen {pl}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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A 2016-03-18: Much less headache since I dropped Microsoft.
A 2016-02-18: @geo255 #834593: Perhaps this could be the solution to the problems that h...
A 2014-05-17: More headache words
Q 2013-02-13: Old problem - new headache
A 2011-10-30: pun on "headache"
Q 2011-10-15: Headache paragraph (my last one for today). Help very much appreciated.
Q 2011-10-02: Headache sentences. Help very much appreciated.
Q 2011-09-12: the last headache paragraph for today - thanks a lot for your help!
Q 2011-09-12: Headache paragraph, help very much appreciated
A 2011-05-08: just put it in active and save yourelf the headache
A 2011-01-18: Thanks -- LOL, sorry for the headache
A 2010-12-09: "I've got a terrible headache" is present in meaning, not present perfect
A 2010-10-18: A terrific headache? You really say that? Klasse Kopfschmerzen?
A 2010-08-04: context ? she is bored .... / got a massive headache ....
A 2010-05-24: I think I'm getting a headache!!!
A 2010-05-17: I have stomach cramps and a bad headache.
A 2010-01-07: The headache is that the headline expresses doubt,
Q 2009-03-19: headache -.-
A 2009-02-12: the morning after headache?
A 2008-12-01: thanks ladies...one headache less

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