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Dictionary English German: headed

Translation 1 - 50 of 1232  >>

English German
VERB  to head | headed | headed ... 
headed {adj} {past-p}
headed {adj} {past-p} [led]
-headed {adj}
headed ... {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. chapter, article]mit der Überschrift ... [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Others
air-headed {adj} [coll.]hohlköpfig [ugs.]
arrow-headed {adj}mit einer Pfeilspitze versehen
bald-headed {adj}glatzköpfig
bald-headed {adj}kahlköpfig
bare-headed {adj}barhäuptig
big-headed {adj} [coll.]großkopfig [ugs.]
big-headed {adj} [coll.]eingebildet [arrogant]
zool. black-headed {adj}schwarzköpfig
block-headed {adj}dummköpfig
bone-headed {adj}dummköpfig
bone-headed {adj}verbohrt
med. VetMed. broad-headed {adj} [brachycephalic]kurzschädelig [brachyzephal]
bull-headed {adj}starrköpfig
bull-headed {adj} [having the head of a bull]stierköpfig
bullet-headed {adj}rundköpfig
cabbage-headed {adj}kohlköpfig
cheese-headed {adj} [silly]dumm
clear-headed {adj}klar denkend
cool-headed {adj}besonnen
cool-headed {adj}gelassen
curly-headed {adj}krausköpfig
curly-headed {adj}lockenköpfig
dog-headed {adj}hundsköpfig
double-headed {adj}doppelköpfig
double-headed {adj}zweiköpfig
dull-headed {adj}schwachköpfig
dunder-headed {adj} [coll.]dumm
myth. eight-headed {adj} [serpent, dragon, etc.]achtköpfig [Schlange, Drache etc.]
relig. elephant-headed {adj} [esp. Ganesha]elefantenköpfig
empty-headed {adj}hirnlos [ugs.] [pej.] [geistlos, dämlich, doof]
empty-headed {adj}hohlköpfig [ugs.]
empty-headed {adj}strohdumm [ugs.]
falcon-headed {adj}falkenköpfig
myth. four-headed {adj}vierköpfig [Ungeheuer]
anat. four-headed {adj} [e.g. muscle]vierköpfig [z. B. Muskel]
fuzzy-headed {adj} [coll.]benebelt
fuzzy-headed {adj} [coll.]nicht (ganz) klar im Kopf
gaunt-headed {adj} [rare]mit hagerem Kopf [nachgestellt]
haggis-headed {adj} [Scot.]dumm
hard-headed {adj}nüchtern
hard-headed {adj}realistisch
hard-headed {adj}vernünftig
hard-headed {adj} [fig.]sachlich
headed byangeführt von
headed by {prep}unter Federführung [+Gen.] [auch: unter Federführung von]
headed byunter Führung von
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A 2018-10-19: maybe: I'm nutty as a fruitcake but absolutely clear-headed
A 2016-07-05: Please see the illustration headed +Vatersorgen+
A 2015-04-27: bone-headed
A 2015-03-02: She left the house and walked to where she always did when she needed quie...
A 2014-01-24: Headed
Q 2014-01-24: Bedeutung dieser Aussage "I'm headed into the wind and ice."
A 2012-05-09: company-headed paper
A 2010-12-10: It's about people employed by the U.S. State Department, headed by Hillary...
A 2010-01-20: Oder: the vehicle headed towards me
Q 2009-06-25: an empty-headed jock
A 2009-01-23: not my day today, too muddle-headed: 'GM' is an example. Other dealer borr...
A 2008-09-19: ja, das ist aus der Technik. Oder "headed"
A 2008-05-14: http://www.dict.cc/?s=to+be+headed
Q 2008-05-14: Who knows where we are headed if you know what I mean by that
Q 2008-04-05: Whither USA? 81% in Poll Say Nation Is Headed on Wrong Track
A 2008-01-18: muddle-headed
A 2007-09-15: headed wide
A 2007-09-11: ten-headed
Q 2007-09-05: lump-headed
A 2007-07-08: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Ade%3A...

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