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Dictionary English German: health

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NOUN   health | -
SYNO   health | wellness
health {adj} [attr.]
health {adj} [attr.]Gesundheits-
Gesundheit {f}
Befinden {n} [Gesundheitszustand]
health [state of health]
Gesundheitszustand {m}
relig. health [dated] [soul's health]
Heil {n}
econ. health [of an economy, business]
Wohlergehen {n}
2 Words: Others
Good health!Prost!
med. health enhancing {adj}gesundheitsfördernd
med. health protecting {adj}gesundheitsschützend
med. health relevant {adj}gesundheitsrelevant
health-conscious {adj}gesundheitsbewusst
med. health-damaging {adj}gesundheitsschädigend
med. health-damaging {adj}gesundheitsschädlich
med. health-damaging {adj}der Gesundheit schadend
health-giving {adj}gesundheitsfördernd
health-promoting {adj}gesundheitsfördernd
health-protective {adj}gesundheitsschützend
med. health-related {adj}gesundheitsbezogen
med. health-risky {adj}gesundheitsriskant
med. health-seeking {adj} [e.g. behavior]gesundheitsorientiert [z. B. Verhalten, Lebensweise]
2 Words: Verbs
to damage sb.'s healthan jds. Gesundheit zehren
to jeopardise sb.'s health [Br.]jds. Gesundheit gefährden
to jeopardize sb.'s healthjds. Gesundheit gefährden
to promote healthdie Gesundheit fördern
to restore healthdie Gesundheit wiederherstellen
2 Words: Nouns
med. (health) cureKur {f}
animal healthTiergesundheit {f}
med. antenatal healthGesundheit {f} in der Schwangerschaft
bad healthmangelnde Gesundheit {f}
bad healthschlechte Gesundheit {f}
bad healthschwache Gesundheit {f}
med. bone healthKnochengesundheit {f}
med. psych. brain healthGehirn-Fitness {f}
med. children's healthKindergesundheit {f}
VetMed. claw healthKlauengesundheit {f}
corporate healthUnternehmensgesundheit {f}
automot. electr. cranking health <CH> [battery]Startfähigkeit {f} [Batterie]
declining healthabnehmende Gesundheit {f}
delicate healthdelikate Gesundheit {f}
delicate healthgebrechliche Gesundheit {f}
delicate healthzarte Gesundheit {f}
dent. dental healthZahngesundheit {f}
ecol. ecosystem healthÖkosystemgesundheit {f}
ecol. environmental healthUmwelthygiene {f}
med. eye healthAugengesundheit {f}
failing healthversagende Gesundheit {f}
feeble healthschwache Gesundheit {f}
VetMed. feline healthKatzengesundheit {f}
for. forest healthWaldgesundheit {f}
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A 2024-10-05: body and mind in (perfect) health
Q 2023-01-21: on a physician balance, on a hospital balance (health insurance)
Q 2022-11-08: Any quirkier public health practices anywhere?
A 2019-11-15: In English the traditional meaning is the opposite of sickness, to be in g...
Q 2019-08-01: sentence - health insurance
A 2019-06-20: potential health hazard
A 2019-06-19: Expanding on Sasso's suggestion: involving (a) health risk / [depending on...
A 2018-11-18: teacher health
Q 2018-05-02: health letter
A 2018-04-27: health awareness / awareness of health issues / health literacy
A 2018-01-02: Frequencywise, +einer KV beitreten > take out health insurance+ are fairly...
A 2017-12-10: +emmaenn+ Native country unknown, state of mental health critical
A 2017-12-08: The sources (18:11) are stated in the footnotes. They are articles publish...
A 2017-10-16: Possibly also: they ought to be covered by health insurance
A 2017-10-16: they should be insured with the / a Swiss health insurance (provider)
A 2017-07-08: ~ of a sound condition (def. 1.1 A person's or animal's state of health or...
A 2017-05-04: balance / settle with health insurance ....
A 2016-05-09: In Britain, it's usually health and safety.
A 2016-03-23: health experinces
A 2016-03-23: Geht es dir um den Begriff +health experience+?

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