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English-German translation for: health care
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Dictionary English German: health care

Translation 1 - 50 of 1822  >>

NOUN   health care | -
SYNO   health care | healthcare
SEE ALSO  healthcare
health careGesundheitsfürsorge {f}
health careGesundheitspflege {f}
health careGesundheitsversorgung {f}
health careGesundheitsvorsorge {f}
med. pol. health careGesundheitswesen {n}
med. health caremedizinische Versorgung {f}
Keywords contained
med. Unverified (health) care situationVersorgungssituation {f}
care of healthGesundheitsvorsorge {f}
dent. dental health careZahngesundheitsfürsorge {f}
med. relig. health care chaplaincyKrankenhausseelsorge {f}
med. health care costsGesundheitskosten {pl}
health care costsKosten {pl} des Gesundheitswesens
med. pol. health care expertGesundheitsexperte {m}
med. health care fundGesundheitsfonds {m}
ind. med. health care industryGesundheitsindustrie {f}
health care interpretingFachdolmetschen {n} im Gesundheitsbereich
med. health care managementVersorgungsmanagement {n} [Gesundheitswirtschaft]
med. health care professionalTherapeut {m}
med. health care providerLeistungserbringer {m} medizinischer Dienstleistungen
law med. health care proxyBetreuungsverfügung {f}
law health care proxyVorsorgeauftrag {m} [schweiz.] [Vorsorgevollmacht]
law health care proxyVorsorgevollmacht {f}
med. pol. health care reformGesundheitsreform {f}
econ. med. health care sectorGesundheitssektor {m}
med. health care servicesgesundheitliche Versorgungsleistungen {pl}
health care servicesGesundheitsdienstleistungen {pl}
med. health care systemGesundheitssystem {n}
med. pol. health care systemGesundheitswesen {n}
jobs health care workerim Gesundheitswesen Tätiger {m}
health-care coverageUmfang {m} der Gesundheitsfürsorge
med. health-care sectorGesundheitsbereich {m}
jobs health-care workerin der Gesundheitsfürsorge Beschäftigter {m}
med. home health carehäusliche Krankenpflege {f}
home health carehäusliche Pflege {f}
med. inappropriate health careFehlversorgung {f}
jobs med. occupational health carearbeitsmedizinische Betreuung {f}
preventative health careGesundheitsvorsorge {f}
admin. med. primary (health) caremedizinische Grundversorgung {f}
med. universal health careBürgerversicherung {f} [schweiz.]
med. correctional health care [Am.]Gefängnismedizin {f}
med. correctional health care [Am.]Haftmedizin {f}
med. correctional health care [Am.]intramurale Medizin {f} [wörtl.: Medizin hinter Gefängnismauern]
med. health care professional [female]Therapeutin {f}
med. health care provider <HCP>Gesundheitsdienstleister {m}
med. health care provider <HCP>Gesundheitsversorger {m}
med. health care tax [Am.]Gesundheitssteuer {f}
med. primary health care <PHC>Basisgesundheitsversorgung {f}
care of the healthGesundheitspflege {f}
law med. pol. Health Care Reform ActGesundheitsreformgesetz {n} <GRG>
law med. pol. Health Care Structure ActGesundheitsstrukturgesetz {n} <GSG>
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A 2015-06-30: It was fun. Allowed me to kvetch about the greed-driven U.S. health care s...
A 2013-04-29: They don't get free food, health care, etc.
A 2013-03-27: Our health care system is wonderful ...
Q 2013-03-12: health care team
A 2012-08-29: pre-certification doesn't exist as such .... and it's sometimes used in h...
A 2011-01-21: Health Care (Gesundheitswesen)
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A 2010-11-29: "sozialpolitisch" often just means "welfare", i.e. dole, health care, chil...
A 2010-06-12: gesundheitliche Versorgung:Health care/medical care
Q 2010-04-11: provider of community, clinical und health care services
A 2010-02-11: health care provider = die Einrichtung, die Pflege anbietet ... Sozialstat...
Q 2010-02-11: Health care
Q 2010-02-08: Consumer Health Care
Q 2009-12-13: health care resources
Q 2009-11-24: source of evidence-based health care
A 2009-10-14: Now, that is the purpose of public health care - to leave noone behind.
A 2009-10-14: student health care center
A 2009-09-19: allgemein: health care
A 2009-04-15: If "health care" is too weak, how 'bout "pro-active health care" (sort of ...
A 2009-03-23: soll das heißen "entlastet" ? - they have benefitted from the health care ...

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