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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: health conditions
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Dictionary English German: health conditions

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dent. oral health-related quality of life <oral health-related QoL, OHRQL>mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität {f} <MLQ>
med. health-related quality of life <health-related QoL, HRQL, HRQoL>gesundheitsabhängige Lebensqualität {f}
dent. dental public health [recognized specialty in dentistry]Dental Public Health {f} [öffentliche Zahngesundheit]
med. e-health applicationsE-Health-Anwendungen {pl}
psych. health belief modelHealth-Belief-Modell {n}
ecol. one health approachOne-Health-Ansatz {m}
ecol. one health conceptOne-Health-Konzept {n}
med. public health measurePublic-Health-Maßnahme {f}
MedTech. Health Level 7 / Health Level Seven <HL7> [standard]Health Level 7 {m} {n} [Standard, Norm]
med. health maintenance organization <HMO>Health Maintenance Organisation {f} <HMO>
Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability <LOHAS>Lifestyle {m} of Health and Sustainability <LOHAS>
med. National Institutes of Health <NIH> [USA]National Institutes of Health {pl} <NIH> [Nationale Gesundheitsinstitute, USA]
conditionsAbmachungen {pl}
conditionsBedingungen {pl}
conditionsGeschäftsbedingungen {pl}
conditionsKonditionen {pl}
conditionsUmstände {pl}
conditionsVerkaufsbedingungen {pl}
conditionsZustände {pl}
acceptability conditionsAkzeptabilitätsbedingungen {pl}
action conditionsHandlungsbedingungen {pl}
additional conditionsZusatzbedingungen {pl}
hydro. meteo. advective conditionsAdvektionsbedingungen {pl}
agr. agricultural conditionsAgrarverhältnisse {pl}
ambient conditionsUmgebungsbedingungen {pl}
ambient conditions {pl}Umgebungsklima {n}
meteo. atmospheric conditionsWitterungsverhältnisse {pl}
attack conditionsAngriffsbedingungen {pl}
auxiliary conditionsNebenbedingungen {pl}
basic conditionsGrundbedingungen {pl}
basic conditionsGrundvoraussetzungen {pl}
basic conditionsRahmenbedingungen {pl}
econ. boom conditionsKonjunkturbedingungen {pl}
boundary conditionsGrenzbedingungen {pl}
boundary conditionsRahmenbedingungen {pl}
boundary conditionsRandbedingungen {pl}
business conditionsGeschäftsbedingungen {pl}
buying conditionsEinkaufsbedingungen {pl}
cancellation conditionsStornobedingungen {pl}
cartage conditionsRollfuhrbedingungen {pl}
educ. classroom conditionsUnterrichtsbedingungen {pl}
climate conditionsKlimabedingungen {pl}
meteo. climate conditionsKlimaverhältnisse {pl}
climatic conditionsKlimabedingungen {pl}
meteo. climatic conditionsKlimaverhältnisse {pl}
meteo. cloud conditionsBewölkungsverhältnisse {pl}
chem. material coagulation conditionsKoagulationsbedingungen {pl}
med. psych. comorbid conditionsKomorbiditäten {pl}
comm. competition conditionsWettbewerbsbedingungen {pl}
comm. competitive conditionsWettbewerbsbedingungen {pl}
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A 2007-04-18: stabilized health conditions .... ??? something like that ....

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