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Dictionary English German: hearing

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NOUN1   a hearing | hearings
NOUN2   hearing [perceiving sounds] | -
VERB  to hear | heard | heard
hearing | hears
SYNO   audition | auditory modality ... 
NOUN   das Hearing | die Hearings
hearing {adj} {pres-p}
hearing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ability, aid, curve, defect, implant, impression]Hör- [z. B. Vermögen, Hilfe, Kurve, Fehler, Implantat, Eindruck]
anat. audio hearing
Gehör {n}
law hearing
Verhandlung {f}
hearing [investigation]
Anhörung {f}
law hearing
Vernehmung {f}
law hearing [preliminary examination of evidence and charges]
Verhör {n}
Hören {n}
law hearing
Gerichtssitzung {f}
med. hearing
Hörvermögen {n}
audio med. hearing
Gehörsinn {m}
Hearing {n}
law hearingmündliche Verhandlung {f}
audio hearing [audition]auditive Wahrnehmung {f}
law hearing [of witnesses]Zeugenanhörung {f}
2 Words: Others
audio med. hearing impaired {adj}schwerhörig
audio med. hearing impaired {adj} [deaf]gehörlos
audio med. hearing-impaired {adj}hörbeeinträchtigt
audio med. hearing-impaired {adj}hörbehindert
audio med. hearing-impaired {adj}hörgemindert
audio med. hearing-impaired {adj}hörgeschädigt
audio med. hearing-impaired {adj}hörgestört
audio hearing-related {adj}gehörbezogen
within hearing {adv}in Hörweite
worth hearing {adj} [postpos.]hörenswert
2 Words: Verbs
to miss hearing sth.etw. überhören
audio med. to regain hearingdas Gehör wiedererlangen
2 Words: Nouns
law (judicial) hearingGerichtsverhandlung {f}
audio absolute hearing [absolute pitch]absolutes Gehör {n}
administrative hearingVerwaltungsanhörung {f}
appeal hearingBerufungsverfahren {n}
law appeal hearingBerufungsverhandlung {f}
law appeal hearingRevisionsverhandlung {f}
law Arthur hearing [Am.] [bond hearing in Florida]Kautionsanhörung {f} [in Florida]
audio aural hearing [audition]aurale Wahrnehmung {f}
law bail hearing[Anhörung über die Festsetzung einer Kaution]
law bail hearingKautionsanhörung {f}
audio binaural hearingBinauralhören {n} [selten]
audio binaural hearingbeidohriges Hören {n}
audio binaural hearingbinaurales Hören {n}
law Unverified bond hearingKautionsanhörung {f}
clear hearingHellhören {n}
audio color hearing [Am.] [Auditio chromatica, Auditio colorata]Auditio chromatica / colorata {f}
med. mus. color hearing [Am.] [synesthesia]Farbenhören {n} [Synästhesie]
audio colour hearing [Br.] [Auditio chromatica, Auditio colorata]Auditio chromatica / colorata {f}
med. mus. colour hearing [Br.] [synesthesia]Farbenhören {n} [Synästhesie]
law committal hearing [Br.] [Aus.]Verhandlung {f} zur Beweisaufnahme
law conciliation hearingGütetermin {m}
conciliation hearingSühnetermin {m}
law conciliatory hearingGüteverhandlung {f}
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A 2022-10-17: Well, when I started hearing +remoaners+ on the BBC I wondered why all of ...
A 2020-10-12: Personally, I love hearing unusual pronunciations. I have learnt to regret...
A 2019-08-16: (16:56) +Overhearing a conversation+ does not mean hearing it unintentiona...
A 2019-08-16: Zu 14:52 — Absichtsvolles Anhören > vgl. +hearing > Anhörung+
Q 2018-04-12: resolution hearing, anyone?
A 2016-02-15: final hearing
A 2016-02-14: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=final+hearing ??
Q 2016-02-14: final hearing
A 2015-05-22: I assume Mr Fife was in court for this hearing.
A 2014-11-20: If you keep getting asked the same questions repeatedly, they probably und...
A 2014-10-13: I don't seem to hear it when I press the hearing button. Might be my ear then...
A 2014-10-12: disability support service / support for the (visually, hearing ... ) impaired
Q 2014-05-09: I'm hearing sb speak...
A 2013-11-10: Catesse' s hearing' s not so bad...;)
A 2013-10-08: FWIW, I'm only hearing about Bing-translate, nowadays.
A 2013-08-27: in etwa: Listening to loud music prevents you from hearing your self.
A 2013-05-21: Im Parlamentarischen ist +hearing > Anhörung+
A 2013-05-21: hearing
Q 2013-05-21: To go to a hearing - an einer Vernehmung teilnehmen.
A 2013-03-14: On hearing unlicensed, most BE speakers would assume +not allowed to sell ...

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