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English-German translation for: hearts
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Dictionary English German: hearts

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NOUN   a heart | hearts
VERB  to heart | hearted | hearted
hearting | hearts
SYNO   Black Maria | hearts
NOUN   (das) Hearts | -
Herzen {pl}
games hearts {pl}
Herz {n} [Rot im deutschen Blatt] [Farbe im Kartenspiel]
games hearts [treated as sg.] [card game]Hearts {n} [Kartenspiel] [Microsoft Network-Hearts, Microsoft-Netzwerk mit Herz]
games hearts {pl}Rot {n} [Herz im deutschen Blatt] [Farbe im Kartenspiel]
2 Words: Verbs
to win hearts(sichDat.) die Herzen erobern
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. artichoke heartsArtischockenherzen {pl}
relig. fleshen hearts [rare]fleischerne Herzen {pl}
gastr. gingerbread heartsLebkuchenherzen {pl}
gastr. lettuce heartsSalatherzen {pl}
gastr. palm heartsPalmherzen {pl}
gastr. palm hearts {pl}Palmkohl {m} [Palmherzen]
relig. reading heartsHerzensschau {f}
gastr. salad heartsSalatherzen {pl}
3 Words: Others
games Hearts are trumps.Herz ist Trumpf.
3 Words: Nouns
ace of heartsHerzas {n} [alt]
games ace of heartsHerzass {n}
games ace of heartsHerz-Ass {n}
games Black Lady HeartsDie schwarze Katze [Kartenspiel]
breaker of heartsHerzensbrecher {m}
games eight of heartsHerz-Acht {f} [Spielkarte]
gastr. hearts of palmsPalmenherzen {pl}
games jack of heartsHerzbube {m}
games jack of heartsHerzunter {m} [Spielkarte; bes. deutsches Blatt]
games jack of heartsHerz-Bube {m} [Spielkarte]
games king of heartsHerzkönig {m}
games King of HeartsHerz-König {m} [Kartenspiel]
games knave of heartsHerzbube {m}
games knave of hearts [obsolete for: jack of hearts]Herzunter {m} [Spielkarte; bes. deutsches Blatt]
journ. lonely hearts ad [coll.]Kontaktanzeige {f}
journ. lonely hearts advertisementKontaktanzeige {f}
lonely hearts clubKlub {m} der einsamen Herzen
journ. lonely hearts column {sg}Kontaktanzeigen {pl} [Zeitungsrubrik]
games nine of heartsHerz-Neun {f} [Spielkarte]
games queen of heartsHerzdame {f}
games Queen of HeartsHerz-Dame {f} [Kartenspiel]
gastr. Romaine lettuce heartsRömersalatherzen {pl}
games seven of heartsHerz-Sieben {f} [Spielkarte]
games ten of heartsHerz-Zehn {f} [Spielkarte]
4 Words: Others
relig. Lift up your hearts! [Sursum Corda]Erhebet eure Herzen!
relig. Lift up your hearts! [Sursum Corda]Hoch die Herzen!
Our hearts were beating.Uns klopfte das Herz.
5+ Words: Others
quote ...I know you in your hearts hate serious plays - as I hate serious parts. [Nell Gwyn]...ich weiß, dass ihr tief in euren Herzen ernste Stücke ebenso sehr hasst wie ich ernste Rollen.
idiom in my heart of hearts {adv}tief in meinem Herzen
in my heart of hearts {adv} [idiom]im Grunde meines Herzens [Redewendung]
in one's heart of hearts {adv}zuinnerst [geh.]
idiom Our hearts beat as one.Im Herzen sind wir vereint.
5+ Words: Verbs
games to clear one's hand of heartsdie Herzkarten loswerden
games to get rid of one's heartsdie Herzkarten loswerden
to make hearts leap for joyHerzen höher schlagen lassen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Bleeding Hearts [Jack Harvey]Bis aufs Blut
lit. F Duel of Hearts [Anita Mills]Duell um das Glück
lit. F Hearts in Atlantis [Stephen King]Atlantis
film F Kind Hearts and Coronets [Robert Hamer]Adel verpflichtet
film F Lonely Hearts [Todd Robinson]Lonely Hearts Killers
lit. F Queen of Hearts [Alice's Adventures in Wonderland]Herzkönigin [Alice im Wunderland]
film F Random Hearts [Sydney Pollack]Begegnung des Schicksals
lit. F Rebellious HeartsRebellische Herzen [Max Brod]
mus. F Rejoice, you heartsErfreut euch, ihr Herzen [J. S. Bach, BWV 66]
film F The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy [Greg Berlanti]Der Club der gebrochenen Herzen
RadioTV F Hall of Hearts [Care Bears]Herzsaal {m} [Glücksbärchis]
film lit. F King of Hearts [Alice's Adventures in Wonderland]Herzkönig {m} [Alice im Wunderland]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2022-03-07: "in our hearts a world that never perishes" may well be it
A 2015-08-09: Nowhere on earth is home but in the loving hearts of those close to you
A 2015-01-17: We welcome you with all our hearts
Q 2014-11-02: hearts had swollen
A 2014-09-27: hearts are for long period of time?
A 2013-04-30: Bah, you bleeding hearts
A 2012-12-17: connect the hearts, evtl.: die Herzen zusammenführen
Q 2012-12-13: have their hearts cared for
Q 2012-10-24: Minds Rule, Hearts Matter in Deutsch?
A 2012-05-17: Here's "Handyman" by James Taylor, with lyrics below. He fixes broken hearts!
A 2012-01-07: Some people remain with us forever because they have left their mark on ou...
A 2011-12-11: real men don't carve their sweethearts' names into hearts on trees -- they...
A 2011-12-10: Real men do not cut hearts including the name of their girlfriend into tre...
A 2011-11-21: Reign in our hearts - what does that mean? Rein in???
A 2011-01-30: Lost in Translation but Grasped in Countless Hearts
A 2010-11-07: ... to their hearts ....
A 2010-05-30: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=%22lonely+hearts+ad%22+site%3Auk&aq=f&aqi=&...
A 2008-12-28: my hearts get a been
A 2008-05-02: Winner of hearts
Q 2007-12-31: hearts on fire

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