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English-German translation for: heel
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Dictionary English German: heel

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NOUN   a heel | heels
SYNO   to heel | to reheel | to list ... 
Heel! [dog command]
Fuß! [Hundekommando]
anat. med. heel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bone, pain, spur]
Fersen- [z. B. Bein, Schmerz, Sporn]
Heel! [dog command]Bei Fuß! [Hundebefehl]
naut. to heel
to heel [Am.] [coll.]
flitzen [ugs.]
sports to heel [ball]
hakeln [Rugby]
anat. cloth. zool. heel [also: of a sock]
Ferse {f} [auch: einer Socke oder eines Strumpfs]
anat. heel
Hacke {f}
cloth. heel [of a shoe or boot]
Absatz {m}
gastr. heel [Am.]
Brotkanten {m}
cloth. heel [of a shoe]
Schuhabsatz {m}
heel [coll.] [dated]
Schuft {m}
heel [coll.] [dated]
Schurke {m}
heel [bread]
Kanten {m} [bes. nordd.]
anat. cloth. heel
Hacken {m} [selten oder regional] [Hacke, Ferse]
gastr. heel [crusty end of bread]
Ranft {m} [regional] [Brotkante]
equest. VetMed. heel [hoof]
Trachte {f} [Huf]
tools heelHinterende {n} des Hobels
gastr. heel [Am.] [bread]Knast {m} [regional] [Brotkanten]
heel [e.g. kitchen knife]Angelwurzel {f} [z. B. Küchenmesser]
gastr. heel [end of a loaf of bread]Scherz {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [Brotende]
gastr. heel [end of a loaf of bread]Scherzerl {n} [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [Brotende]
heel [of a loaf of bread] [Am.] [Scot.]Ränftchen {n} [regional] [Vkl. zu Ranft]
gastr. heel [of a loaf]Knust {m} [regional] [Anfangs- bzw. Endstück eines Brotlaibs]
MedTech. heel [rear end of the needle tip grinding]Auge {n} [hinteres Ende des Kanülenanschliffs]
2 Words: Verbs
hort. to heel sth. in [plants]etw.Akk. einschlagen [Pflanzen vor dem Einpflanzen mit Erde bedecken]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. (high) heelStöckel {m} [ugs.] [kurz für: Stöckelabsatz]
Achilles' heelAchillesferse {f}
Achilles' heelwunder Punkt {m} [fig.]
sports back-heel [football]Hackentrick {m}
bead heel [tyre]Wulstferse {f} [Reifen]
blistered heelmit Blasen bedeckte Ferse {f}
spec. boomerang heel [short rows heel] [knitting]Bumerangferse {f} [Ferse mit verkürzten Reihen] [beim Stricken]
cloth. boot heelStiefelabsatz {m}
gastr. bread heelScherzl {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
cloth. Cuban heelBlockabsatz {m}
cloth. Cuban heel [seamed nylons]Hochferse {f} [Cuban-Heel-Hochferse bei Nahtnylons]
cloth. Cuban heel [seamed nylons]Cuban Heel {m} [eckige (kubische) Form der Fersenverstärkung bei Nahtnylons]
cloth. French heelLouis-XV-Absatz {m} [Damenschuh]
VetMed. grease (heel)Mauke {f}
heel area [e.g. in shoes and feet]Fersenbereich {m} [z. B. Schuhe und Füße]
heel balmSchrundensalbe {f}
heel bar [Br.]Absatzbar {f}
anat. heel boneFersenbein {n}
cloth. heel cap [also: heelcap] [shoe, boot]Fersenkappe {f} [Schuh, Stiefel]
cloth. heel cap [also: heelcap] [shoe, boot]Hinterkappe {f} [Fersenkappe]
cloth. heel comforterFerseneinlage {f} [Schuh]
anat. heel cord [Tendo calcaneus, Tendo calcanei, Tendo musculi tricipitis surae, Tendo Achillis]Achillessehne {f}
cloth. heel counterFersenkappe {f}
med. heel cushionFersenkissen {n}
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Q 2019-08-25: gastronomischer silverside heel
A 2017-10-11: heel [rear end of the needle tip grinding] Auge {n} [hinteres Ende des Kan...
Q 2017-10-11: medical cannula - heel of the bevel
A 2014-09-08: heel bruise (?)
A 2013-02-09: +heel+ (of bread) is perfectly English
A 2013-02-08: heel
A 2013-02-08: bei bread heel sollte man dann aber mehr eintragen...
A 2012-01-04: "sit," "stay," "come," and "heel"
A 2012-01-04: There's also +Heel! [dog command] > Bei Fuß! [Hundebefehl]+ http://www.dic...
A 2011-08-16: As exercise it is bad on your spine. Instead, you ought to touch your left...
A 2010-12-30: Diese (unsichtbaren) Dinger in den Schuhen sind "heel counter reinforcemen...
A 2010-09-01: might be: "to bring s.b. to heel" - to make s.b. do what you want him to do
A 2010-08-05: http://www.dict.cc/?s=heel some are here ...
A 2010-05-05: Where the fancy posh quarter borders on down-at-heel suburbia, two worlds meet.
A 2010-02-09: Heel prick
A 2010-02-09: Typo: heel prick
A 2009-09-22: The bloke's Latin name was +Achilles+ - so it is properly speaking +Achill...
Q 2009-09-22: Achille's Heel
A 2009-08-18: Heel of the hand
Q 2009-08-18: heel of one's hand

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