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English-German translation for: helper
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Dictionary English German: helper

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

English German
NOUN   a helper | helpers
SYNO   benefactor | helper | assistant ... 
Helfer {m}
Betreuer {m}
Gehilfe {m}
helper [female]
Gehilfin {f}
rail helper [Am.] [helper engine / locomotive]Schiebelokomotive {f}
helper [female]Helferin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
jobs assembly helperMontagehelfer {m}
constr. jobs bricklayer's helperBauhilfsarbeiter {m}
cheerful helperfreundlicher Helfer {m}
co-helperMithelfer {m}
constr. jobs Unverified construction helperBauhelfer {m}
jobs sociol. daily helperAlltagshelfer {m} [jemand, der (bedürftige) Menschen bei alltäglichen Verrichtungen unterstützt]
jobs sociol. daily helperAlltagshilfe {f} [Alltagshelfer]
emergency helperHelfer {m} in der Not [Notfall]
escape helperFluchthelfer {m}
escape helper [female]Fluchthelferin {f}
jobs everyday helperAlltagshelfer {m}
rail helper engine [Am.]Schiebelok {f}
helper mentalityHelfermentalität {f}
rail helper operation [Am.]Nachschieben {n}
biochem. helper protein [chaperone]Helferprotein {n}
biol. med. MedTech. helper strain [bacteria]Hilfsstamm {m}
biol. helper virusHelfervirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
gastr. kitchen helperKüchenhelfer {m}
little helperHelferlein {n}
jobs office helperBürohilfskraft {f}
jobs office helper [female]Bürohelferin {f}
office helper [male]Bürohelfer {m}
paid helperbezahlter Helfer {m}
tech. plumber's helperSaugglocke {f} [Sanitärtechnik]
gastr. preserve helperEinmachhilfe {f}
gastr. preserve helperEinsiedehilfe {f} [österr.] [südd.] [Einmachhilfe]
unpaid helperunbezahlter Helfer {m}
unwanted helperunerwünschter Helfer {m}
3 Words: Nouns
psych. (helpless) helper syndromeHelfersyndrom {n}
jobs (qualified) office helperBürofachhelfer {m}
jobs (qualified) office helper [female]Bürofachhelferin {f}
helper in needHelfer {m} in der Not [Notsituation]
biol. helper T cellT-Helferzelle {f}
biol. helper T cellT-Helfer-Zelle {f}
med. Red Cross helperRote-Kreuz-Helfer {m}
Red Cross helper [female]Rotkreuzhelferin {f}
med. Red Cross helper [female]Rote-Kreuz-Helferin {f}
Santa's little helperKnecht Ruprecht {m}
biol. T-helper cellT-Helferzelle {f}
biol. T-helper cellT-Helfer-Zelle {f}
4 Words: Nouns
helper to St. NicholasKrampus {m} [österr.] [südd.]
5+ Words: Nouns
helper in time of needNothelfer {m}
relig. helper in time of needHelfer {m} in der Not
Fiction (Literature and Film)
comics F Little Helper [Disney]Helferlein
RadioTV F Santa's Little Helper [The Simpsons]Knecht Ruprecht [Die Simpsons]
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A 2014-12-26: As said, on-call helper. Meaning on duty ("being paid") and waiting for st...
A 2014-12-24: "First responder" is a general AE term for an on-call helper.
A 2014-10-17: shopping helper or assistant
A 2012-02-27: oder: an electrician's helper
A 2011-08-08: Ok, thank you, anonymous helper ;)
A 2009-12-06: Knecht Ruprecht > humble Rupert ( +Santa's little helper+ belongs to an en...
A 2009-12-06: "Santa's Little Helper" is generally a cute term - much too benign for Ruprect.
A 2009-12-06: +Ruprecht / Rupert / Robert+ harks back to Germanic mythology - +famebrigh...
A 2009-10-29: there never was a "mommy's" little helper; the Stones used the word "mothe...
A 2009-10-28: mother's little helper -- valium?
A 2009-10-28: bolan was an unsavoury little twerp; what's a "mommy's little helper"?
A 2009-07-06: What kind of employment are we talking about / is your customer looking fo...
A 2009-05-22: Thank you, Proteus, you are a great helper!
A 2008-02-27: maybe: she worked as a helper in our club-house
A 2007-06-09: helper, follower,
A 2007-05-29: both aid and helper google well ... maybe the whole phrase???
A 2006-10-03: my helper syndrome
A 2006-09-03: Thank you secret helper first of all but there's still something I don't r...
Q 2006-05-24: kitchen helper
A 2006-05-24: Google: "production helper"

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helper strain
helper T cell
helper to St. Nicholas

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