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English-German translation for: helping
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Dictionary English German: helping

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
NOUN   a helping | helpings
VERB  to help | helped | helped
helping | helps
SYNO   helping | portion | serving
helping {adj}
helping {adj}
gastr. helping
Portion {f}
gastr. helping
Schlag {m} [ugs.] [Portion]
Helfen {n}
2 Words: Others
helping awayweghelfend
helping onweiterbringend
gastr. helping oneself {pres-p} [to food]zulangend [beim Essen]
helping out {adj}aushelfend
helping upaufhelfend
2 Words: Nouns
another helpingnoch eine Portion {f}
gastr. generous helpingordentliche Portion {f} [ugs.]
helping handHandreichung {f} [Hilfe]
ling. helping verb [Am.]Hilfsverb {n}
large helpinggroße Portion {f}
gastr. second helpingNachschlag {m} [zusätzliche Portion]
3 Words: Others
by helping usdurch Ihre Hilfe
He needs helping.Er braucht Hilfe.
sb. isn't helping mattersjd. macht es nicht gerade besser
3 Words: Nouns
a second helpingeine zweite Portion {f}
gastr. helping of fishPortion {f} Fisch
4 Words: Others
even with you helpingselbst wenn du hilfst / Sie helfen
4 Words: Verbs
to bear a helping handhilfreich sein
to give sb. a helping handjdm. behilflich sein
to have a second helpingnachfassen [Nachschlag holen]
to lend (sb.) a helping hand(jdm.) behilflich sein
to lend a helping handhilfreich sein [behilflich sein]
5+ Words: Others
His happiness consists in helping others.Sein Glück besteht darin, anderen zu helfen.
If you want a helping hand ...Wenn Sie Hilfe brauchen, ... [formelle Anrede]
They are experienced in helping elderly people.Sie haben Erfahrung darin, älteren Leuten zu helfen.
under the pretence of helping {adv} [Br.]unter dem Vorwand, helfen zu wollen
under the pretense of helping {adv} [Am.]unter dem Vorwand, helfen zu wollen
5+ Words: Verbs
to ask sb. for a helping handjdn. um Hilfe bitten
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A 2020-03-22: Thanks for helping!
A 2018-10-05: THANK YOU polarjud, for helping us to put an end to the old "Grabenkämpfe"...
A 2018-09-24: Perfect then :) Thank you very much for helping me
A 2017-10-23: citizens helping refugees
A 2017-08-07: Did I not try to give a helping hand, Tratzinsky?
A 2015-11-28: Yes, thank you, this is helping
A 2015-08-18: what about: "A logical text structure serves as / provides a helping hand ...
A 2015-07-12: Thanks for helping
A 2015-07-11: You're helping, only your last answer was a bit of confusing:
A 2015-02-13: @Idea: Well, OK. And people are helping you out.
A 2014-10-24: Or just human chain if it's obvious that they are helping.
A 2013-12-31: Thanks for helping me, Saluton1 :)
A 2013-12-03: thanks for helping me to understand!
A 2013-09-04: das liegt auf derselben Ebene wie "helping the police with their inquiries...
A 2013-02-14: No one helps/is helping the victims.
Q 2012-08-24: Wouldn't "Franzoesisches Bett" be a "platform bed" I wonder? Thanks for he...
A 2012-07-19: Thanks for helping me!
A 2012-02-07: Thanks for helping out with "give sb. an out"
A 2011-08-11: thank you all for helping me along!
Q 2011-08-01: The suffering of ... and me and my all helping death

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