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English-German translation for: herzinsuffizienter Patient
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Dictionary English German: herzinsuffizienter Patient

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

med. heart failure patientherzinsuffizienter Patient {m}
med. patient with heart insufficiencyherzinsuffizienter Patient {m}
Partial Matches
med. multiple sclerosis patient <MS patient>Multiple-Sklerose-Patient {m} <MS-Patient>
med. patientPatient {m}
med. psych. ADHD patientADHS-Patient {m}
med. ambulatory patientambulanter Patient {m}
med. outpatientambulanter Patient {m}
contagious patientansteckender Patient {m}
med. arsenicum patientArsenicum-Patient {m}
med. patient at risk of bleedingblutungsgefährdeter Patient {m}
good patientbraver Patient {m}
med. intermediate care <IMC> patientIMC-Patient {m}
med. reclining patientliegender Patient {m}
med. recumbent patientliegender Patient {m}
med. orthopedic patient [Am.]orthopädischer Patient {m}
med. terminal [Br.] [short] [terminal patient, terminally ill patient]präfinaler Patient {m}
med. terminal patientpräfinaler Patient {m}
med. terminally ill patientpräfinaler Patient {m}
med. patient suffering from acute painschmerzkranker Patient {m}
seated patientsitzender Patient {m}
med. obese patientstarker Patient {m}
med. in-patientstationärer Patient {m}
med. inpatientstationärer Patient {m}
med. dying patientsterbender Patient {m}
med. tachycardiac patienttachykarder Patient {m}
med. hemophilia A patient [Am.]Hämophilie-A-Patient {m}
med. outpatientambulant behandelter Patient {m}
med. non-mobilizable patientnicht mobilisierbarer Patient {m}
rallying patientsich erholender Patient {m}
med. psych. split-brain patientSplit-Brain-Patient {m}
med. in-patientstationär behandelter Patient {m}
med. inpatientstationär behandelter Patient {m}
med. terminally ill patienttödlich erkrankter Patient {m}
rambling patientunzusammenhängend redender Patient {m}
film lit. F The English Patient [novel: Michael Ondaatje, film: Anthony Minghella]Der englische Patient
lit. F The Adventure of the Resident Patient [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der niedergelassene Patient
med. patient zero [index case]Patient null {m} [Indexpatient, Ersterkrankter]
med. accident patientverunfallter Patient {m} [bes. amtssprachlich]
med. patient blood management <PBM>Patient Blood Management {n} <PBM>
Unverified Can I have the next patient in, please?Der nächste Patient, bitte!
med. The patient is stable.Der Patient ist stabil.
idiom It was a perfectly organized disaster / cock-up!Operation gelungen, Patient tot!
med. Patient is fully oriented.Patient ist voll orientiert.
med. Aspergian [patient]Patient {m} mit Asperger-Syndrom
med. severy exacerbated COPD patientschwer exazerbierter COPD-Patient {m}
med. self-care patientsich selbst behandelnder Patient {m}
film F The Sensuous Nurse [Nello Rossati] [also: The Nurse; I Will if You Will; The Secrets of a Sensuous Nurse]Operation mißlungenPatient lebt
med. out-patientambulanter Patient {m} [einer Klinik; Tagespatient]
idiom Operation successful, patient dead!Operation gelungen, Patient tot! [hum.]
The patient needs a great deal of rest.Der Patient braucht viel Ruhe.
The patient seemed to be choking.Der Patient schien zu ersticken.
med. The patient presented symptoms of ...Der Patient zeigt Symptome einer / eines ...
The patient had once again discontinued his medication.Der Patient hatte erneut seine Medikation abgesetzt.
med. The patient was only intermittently conscious.Der Patient war nur zeitweise bei Bewusstsein.
COVID-19 patient [also: Covid-19 patient, covid-19 patient]COVID-19-Patient {m} [fachspr. für: Covid-19-Patient]
lit. F The Little Vampire and the Mystery PatientDer kleine Vampir und der unheimliche Patient [Angela Sommer-Bodenburg]
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