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English-German translation for: hierarchy
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Dictionary English German: hierarchy

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

English German
NOUN   a hierarchy | hierarchies
SYNO   hierarchy | pecking order ... 
Hierarchie {f}
Rangfolge {f}
Rangordnung {f}
Stufenordnung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
relig. (church) hierarchyAmtskirche {f}
(rank) hierarchyRanghierarchie {f}
admin. administrative hierarchyVerwaltungshierarchie {f}
ling. animacy hierarchyBelebtheitshierarchie {f}
sociol. authority hierarchyAutoritätshierarchie {f}
comm. market. brand hierarchyMarkenhierarchie {f}
relig. celestial hierarchyhimmlische Hierarchie {f}
comp. ling. Chomsky hierarchyChomsky-Hierarchie {f}
relig. church hierarchyKirchenhierarchie {f} [amtskirchliche Organisation]
comp. sociol. class hierarchyKlassenhierarchie {f}
comp. classification hierarchyKlassifizierungshierarchie {f}
comp. cluster hierarchyClusterhierarchie {f} [auch: Cluster-Hierarchie]
mil. sociol. command hierarchyBefehlshierarchie {f}
philos. conceptual hierarchyBegriffshierarchie {f}
control hierarchyGruppenhierarchie {f}
control hierarchyGruppenrangordnung {f}
econ. sociol. corporate hierarchyUnternehmenshierarchie {f}
data hierarchyDatenhierarchie {f}
decision hierarchyEntscheidungshierarchie {f}
biol. sociol. dominance hierarchyDominanzhierarchie {f}
med. QM evidence hierarchy <EH>Evidenzhierarchie {f} <EH>
sociol. flat hierarchyflache Hierarchie {f}
goal hierarchyZielhierarchie {f}
hierarchy chartDarstellung {f} der Hierarchie
phys. hierarchy problemHierarchieproblem {n}
philos. sociol. hierarchy theoryHierarchietheorie {f}
comp. hierarchy treeHierarchiebaum {m}
econ. income hierarchyEinkommenshierarchie {f}
information hierarchyInformationshierarchie {f}
biol. law tech. inheritance hierarchyVererbungshierarchie {f}
acad. knowledge hierarchyWissenshierarchie {f}
management hierarchyBetriebshierarchie {f}
comp. memory hierarchySpeicherhierarchie {f}
relig. ministerial hierarchyÄmterhierarchie {f}
tech. model hierarchyModellhierarchie {f}
comp. object hierarchyObjekthierarchie {f} [auch: Objekt-Hierarchie]
parameter hierarchyParameterhierarchie {f}
pol. party hierarchyParteihierarchie {f}
acc. comp. reporting hierarchyBerichtshierarchie {f}
admin. econ. mil. reporting hierarchyMeldehierarchie {f}
admin. econ. mil. reporting hierarchy {sg}Meldewege {pl} [Meldehierarchie]
sociol. urban settlement hierarchySiedlungshierarchie {f}
social hierarchySozialhierarchie {f}
sociol. social hierarchysoziale Hierarchie {f}
social hierarchysoziales Gefüge {n}
ling. phonet. sonority hierarchySonoritätshierarchie {f}
sociol. status hierarchyStatushierarchie {f}
comp. storage hierarchySpeicherhierarchie {f}
structural hierarchyStrukturhierarchie {f}
tree hierarchyBaumhierarchie {f}
ind. jobs union hierarchyGewerkschaftshierarchie {f}
philos. value hierarchyWertehierarchie {f}
philos. value hierarchyWerthierarchie {f}
waste hierarchyAbfallhierarchie {f}
3 Words: Nouns
comp. ling. Chomsky-Schützenberger hierarchyChomsky-Schützenberger-Hierarchie {f}
comp. hierarchy of classificationKlassifizierungshierarchie {f}
philos. hierarchy of knowledgeWissenshierarchie {f}
psych. hierarchy of needs [Maslow]Bedürfnispyramide {f}
admin. hierarchy of officialsBeamtenhierarchie {f}
philos. hierarchy of valuesWertehierarchie {f}
philos. hierarchy of valuesWerthierarchie {f}
hierarchy of victimsOpferhierarchie {f}
electr. telecom. plesiochronous digital hierarchy <PDH>plesiochrone digitale Hierarchie {f} <PDH>
comp. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy <SDH>Synchrone Digitale Hierarchie {f} <SDH>
4 Words: Others
obedient to the hierarchy {adj} [postpos.]hierarchiefolgsam
4 Words: Nouns
level in the hierarchyHierarchiestufe {f}
psych. sociol. Maslow's hierarchy of needsMaslowsche Bedürfnishierarchie {f} [auch: Bedürfnispyramide]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be very high up in the hierarchyin der Rangordnung sehr hoch stehen
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A 2015-06-02: Or perhaps: this instance of humans wanting to rise (in the hierarchy)
A 2015-01-22: In confirmation of +moving firefight+ Military hierarchy: firefight - bat...
A 2014-07-01: offering access in a way as much as possible not based on any hierarchy - ...
A 2014-02-10: The commonly used hierarchy
A 2013-02-08: http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en&tab=ii#hl=en&tbo=d&q=hierarchy+in+busi...
A 2012-10-03: Hierarchy
A 2012-05-07: line managment = higher in hierarchy ..... Projekt, Abteilung etc. ....
A 2012-01-18: departmental advisor / consultant (as part of the hierarchy)
A 2011-09-30: a hierarchy of laws and bylaws / regulations, maybe "top-down government"
A 2011-01-24: Not really a "hierarchy"
A 2009-04-09: http://germazope.uni-trier.de/Projects/WBB/woerterbuecher/dwb/wbgui?lemmod...
A 2009-03-31: http://germazope.uni-trier.de/Projects/WBB/woerterbuecher/dwb/wbgui?lemmod...
Q 2008-11-06: anchor of their hierarchy
A 2008-07-19: This is a rank in the network hierarchy, based on success/achievements.
A 2008-07-01: Grammar: He trades neither on his position nor on the hierarchy. \ He nei...
A 2008-07-01: He neither trades on his position nor on the hierarchy.
A 2008-07-01: ? He never sets position off against hierarchy
A 2008-02-18: maybe "system" instead of "hierarchy"
A 2007-05-01: I am not too good at bookkeepers' hierarchy
A 2006-11-10: Stufenbau > hierarchy

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