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English-German translation for: high-level
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Dictionary English German: high level

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NOUN   a high level | high levels
SYNO   high-altitude | high-level | high-level ... 
spec. high levelHigh-Pegel {m}
high-level {adj}hochrangig
high levelHochlage {f}
EU high level groupAusschuss {m}
ind. high-level rackHochregal {n}
pol. high-level terroristTopterrorist {m}
high-water levelHochwasserstand {m}
high-level {adj}auf hoher Ebene
high-level installationHochregallager {n} [funktional]
comp. high-level language <HLL>Hochsprache {f}
admin. high-level officialshochrangige Beamte {pl}
admin. high-level officialsranghohe Beamte {pl}
relig. high-level church officialsKirchenobere {pl}
comp. high-level language optimizationHochsprachenoptimierung {f}
high-level water tankWasserhochbehälter {m}
tech. high-precision spirit levelHochpräzisionswasserwaage {f}
comp. tech. Unverified high level designallgemeine (abstrakte) Beschreibung {f}
comp. high-level languages <HLLs>Hochsprachen {pl} <HS>
comp. high level programming languagehöhere Programmiersprache {f}
comp. high-level language <HLL>höhere Programmiersprache {f} <HPS>
rail high-level stationobere Ebene {f} des Bahnhofs
pol. high-level talksGespräche {pl} auf höchster Ebene
high-tide levelHochwasserstand {m} [an der See]
at a high level {adv}auf hohem Stand
on a high level {adv}auf hohem Niveau
high-level order pickerHochregal- und Kommissionierstapler {m}
ecol. high level of environmental protectionhohes Umweltschutzniveau {n}
ecol. high-level waste {sg} <HLW>hochaktive Abfälle {pl} <HAA>
high level of intelligencehohes Maß {n} an Intelligenz
concrete high-level storage installationHochregallager {n} in Betonkonstruktion
Partial Matches
audio speech recognition threshold level <SRTL, SRT level>Spracherkennungs-Schwellenwert / Spracherkennungsschwellenwert {m}
drugs high {adj} [coll.] [on drugs]high [ugs.] [unter Rauschgifteinfluss]
phys. high-temperature superconductivity <high-Tc, HTS>Hochtemperatur-Supraleitfähigkeit {f}
tech. high-speed electroslag welding <HSESW, high-speed ESW>Elektroschlacke-Schnellschweißen {n} <ESS>
electr. reference levelReferenz-Level {m} {n}
med. testosterone levelTestosteron-Level {m} {n}
econ. C-level [chief officers]C-Level {m} [erste Führungsebene eines Unternehmens]
electr. high output currentHigh-Ausgangsstrom {m}
sports high-impact {adj}high-impact [mit hoher Belastung, wird im Dt. nicht übersetzt]
educ. high school transcript [esp. Am. and Can.] [school report]High-School-Zeugnis {n}
high five [Am.]High five {m} [Abklatschen zur Begrüßung oder Freude]
med. QM High 5s projectHigh-5s-Projekt {n} [auch: Projekt High 5s]
film photo. RadioTV high-key lightingHigh-key-Beleuchtung {f} [auch: High-key-Ausleuchtung]
film lit. F High Fidelity [novel: Nick Hornby, film: Stephen Frears]High Fidelity
comp. ind. operating-level agreement <OLA> [less common]Operational Level Agreement {n} <OLA> [Vereinbarung auf Betriebsebene]
comp. ind. operations-level agreement <OLA> [less common]Operational Level Agreement {n} <OLA> [Vereinbarung auf Betriebsebene]
comp. ind. organizational-level agreement <OLA> [less common]Operational Level Agreement {n} <OLA> [Vereinbarung auf Betriebsebene]
publ. tech. revision level <rev. level>Revisionsstand {m} <Rev.-Stand>
comp. service level objective <SLO>Service-Level-Ziel {n}
chem. high-throughput / high throughput synthesisHochdurchsatzsynthese {f} [auch: Hochdurchsatz-Synthese]
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A 2016-11-29: learning at a high level https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/sch...
A 2015-01-25: I didn't know there were that many countries with a high level of fluidity!
A 2013-11-10: have a high level of quality .....
A 2013-09-04: High level language programmer / High level language developer
Q 2010-06-25: The business world today is experiencing stress and burnout at high levels.
A 2010-02-26: This company stands for high level of service.
A 2008-11-29: long term/sustained high level of returns
A 2008-09-29: lots of is colloquial...high levels of, large quantities, high ....content
A 2008-09-27: high degree, high level of...or 'Excellent'?
A 2008-08-06: high level events
Q 2008-08-06: Text über Apple Store, Begriff "monthly planning calenders", "high level e...
A 2007-10-30: --at-- a high level of generalisation
A 2007-02-08: there's "a high level of commitment"
A 2005-09-28: high level of division into numerous individual operations (activities, tasks)

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