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Dictionary English German: highest

Translation 1 - 50 of 133  >>

English German
ADJ   high | higher | highest
highest {adj}
highest {adj}
highest {adj}
highest {adj} {adv}am höchsten
relig. the Highest [God]der Höchste {m} [geh.] [Gott]
2 Words: Others
bidding highest {adj} [postpos.]meistbietend
fourth highest {adj}vierthöchste
highest attended {adj}meistbesucht
highest paid {adj}höchstbezahlt
highest possible {adj}höchstmöglich
highest possible {adj} [greatest possible]größtmöglich
highest situated {adj}höchstgelegen
highest-bidding {adj}höchstbietend
highest-bidding {adj}meistbietend
highest-earning {adj}bestverdienend
comm. econ. highest-grossing {adj}umsatzstärkste
film theatre highest-grossing {adj}(kommerziell) erfolgreichste
highest-priced {adj}höchstbewertet
highest-priced {adj}höchstpreisig
highest-ranking {adj}höchstrangig
highest-ranking {adj}ranghöchst
second highest {adj}zweithöchste
sixth highest {adj}sechsthöchste
third highest {adj}dritthöchste
2 Words: Nouns
highest accoladehöchste Anerkennung {f}
highest accuracy [in measurement]geringste Messunsicherheit {f}
ling. Highest AlemannicHöchstalemannisch {n}
highest amountHöchstbetrag {m}
highest awarderster Preis {m}
highest awardhöchste Belohnung {f}
highest bidHöchstangebot {n}
highest bidHöchstgebot {n}
highest bidhöchstes Gebot {n}
highest bidderHöchstanbieter {m} [selten] [Meistbietender, Höchstbieter]
comm. highest bidderHöchstbieter {m}
highest bidderMeistbietender {m}
comm. fin. highest bitMeistgebot {n}
highest considerationhöchste Achtung {f}
law highest courtoberstes Gericht {n}
geol. highest elevationhöchste Erhebung {f}
highest grade [also fig.]Höchstnote {f} [auch fig.]
law highest law [also fig.]oberstes Gesetz {n} [auch fig.]
highest levelHöchststand {m}
highest levelhöchster Stand {m}
educ. highest mark [esp. Br.] [also fig.]Höchstnote {f} [auch fig.]
highest measureHöchstmaß {n}
highest offerHöchstgebot {n}
law pol. highest organoberstes Organ {n}
highest peakhöchste Erhebung {f}
geol. highest pointhöchste Erhebung {f}
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Q 2023-04-26: #942480 > Legal prohibitions and restrictions discussed at the highest Wes...
A 2018-09-29: to the highest degree
Q 2016-06-25: Best translation for "highest instincts"
A 2016-03-03: Normally, Lgr. = Leistungsgruppe and 'D' is the level (A-D, highest to lowest).
Q 2014-10-07: Marketingtext, Abgabe Mittwoch 09.10.2014 - "at the highest quality of cli...
A 2014-07-16: The balcony is the highest 'set' of seats above the circle(s).
A 2014-01-07: ... believe (Subjekt fehlt) ... to take Eleyele to me highest (gibt gar ...
A 2013-04-26: Something magnificent is happening farther out, where a sandbank forces th...
Q 2013-02-25: Food sold vs (Food being sold) in this supermarket is of the highest quality
Q 2013-02-24: Did you know that East Frisians had the world's highest per capita consump...
A 2013-02-15: highest global level
A 2013-02-15: highest standard
Q 2012-12-05: to hold to the highest standards
A 2012-11-18: Highest class.
Q 2012-08-08: Hörproblem? ...under grace for the highest good of all concerns.
A 2011-06-22: What is your highest level of education?
A 2011-03-31: Ultimate can mean final, so here the 'highest' boss,
Q 2010-09-22: brightness lowest -> highest
A 2010-08-23: Oberster Lehnsherr - the highest / top / ultimate feudal landowner
A 2010-03-11: Consisting of the highest quality ingredients and prepared with freshly/re...

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