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English-German translation for: highly
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Dictionary English German: highly

Translation 1 - 50 of 350  >>

English German
SYNO   extremely | highly
highly {adv}
highly {adv}
highly {adv}
highly {adv} [enthusiastic, indignant]
highly {adv}
highly {adv}
highly {adj}
höchlich [veraltend]
highly {adj}höchstgradig
highly {adv}aufs Höchste
highly {adv}aufs höchste
highly {adv}in hohem Maße
2 Words: Others
(highly) effective {adj}wirkungsreich
(highly) fashionable {adj}mondän
(highly) resinous {adj}kienig
(highly) sensitive {adj} [data, information, etc.](streng) vertraulich [Daten, Informationen usw.]
highly absorbent {adj}hochsaugfähig
highly absorbent {adj}saugstark
highly abstract {adj}hochabstrakt
highly accurate {adj}hochgenau
highly acidic {adj}in hohem Grade säurehaltig
tech. highly active {adj}hochaktiv
highly adorned {adj}reich geschmückt
highly advanced {adj}hoch entwickelt
material highly alloyed {adj}hochlegiert
gastr. highly aromatic {adj}hocharomatisch
highly attractive {adj}hochattraktiv
highly automated {adj}hochautomatisiert
highly beaten {adj} [paper industry]stark aufgeschlagen [Papierindustrie]
highly branched {adj} {past-p}stark verzweigt
chem. highly caustic {adj}stark ätzend
phys. highly charged {adj}hochgeladen
highly charged {adj}überdreht [ugs.]
highly charged {adj} [atmosphere]aufgeladen
highly charged {adj} [debate]hitzig
highly charged {adj} [issue, topic]hochbrisant
highly civilized {adj}hochzivilisiert
phys. highly coercive {adj}hochkoerzitiv
phys. highly collimated {adj} [e.g. light beams, rays]stark gebündelt
highly combustible {adj}leicht brennbar
highly commendable {adj}hochlöblich [veraltet] [noch spöttisch]
highly commendable {adj}hochwohllöblich [veraltet] [noch spöttisch]
highly commended {adj}sehr empfohlen
med. highly comminuted {adj} [bone]stark zertrümmert [Knochen]
highly competitive {adj}wettbewerbsintensiv
econ. highly competitive {adj}hart umkämpft
highly complex {adj}hochkomplex
tech. highly compressed {adj}hochverdichtet
highly compressed {adj}hoch komprimiert
tech. highly concentrated {adj}hochkonzentriert
electr. highly conductive {adj} <HC>hochleitfähig
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A 2024-05-02: more context? Could be "highly regarded / widely seen as a (powerful) symbol"
A 2024-04-22: highly recommended
A 2023-11-24: 1657– 1837– Highly relevant! Pity. As yet there is no cure for copy an...
A 2023-02-25: Not only among children highly popular in the Bavarian / Austrian dialects...
A 2021-12-13: highly gifted , with many talents
A 2020-07-08: PS: The German terms are highly formal, so the English equivalent would of...
Q 2020-04-03: Highly artistic pronunciation?
A 2018-11-28: ... and in some cases highly skilled obstruction ...
A 2017-09-06: From the horse's mouth: +Where Is My Accent From? "Highly Requested"!+ htt...
A 2017-01-25: Neutral suggestion: highly varying landscape (structure)
A 2016-09-30: The thing is: Kontrolletti is a highly derisive term
Q 2016-04-23: Interesting thoughts on Thomas Mann, highly critical, but also humorous in a way
A 2015-10-22: If for instance politicians are being rubbished for inaction, the +getan w...
Q 2015-02-05: rated highly - höher eingestellt als die Werte in der Tabelle??
A 2015-01-22: Highly recommendable Rules: http://www.rules.co.uk/
A 2014-12-06: Highly mobile, portable weapons predating Stalin's organs by one and a hal...
A 2014-06-11: When will the highly inspired nick +anonymous+ prevail in this forum?
A 2014-02-21: Highly concentrated
A 2014-02-20: He stands looking highly concentrated
A 2013-11-03: Humanely speaking, highly gifted is nothing to do with intelligence only. ...

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