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English-German translation for: highway
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Dictionary English German: highway

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NOUN   a highway | highways
SYNO   highway | main road
transp. highway [Am.] <Hwy.>
Schnellstraße {f}
traffic highway
Landstraße {f}
traffic highway [Am.] <hwy., HWY>
Fernstraße {f}
traffic highway [Am.] <Hwy.>
Kraftfahrstraße {f}
traffic transp. highway [Am.] [Can.] <Hwy.>
Fernverkehrsstraße {f}
traffic highway [Am.] [freeway] <hwy.>
Autobahn {f}
traffic highway [Am.] <Hwy.>
Chaussee {f} [veraltend]
highwayBusleitung {f}
highwayVielfachleitung {f}
2 Words: Others
Hershey highway [Am.] [vulg.] [anus][vulg: After als anorezeptives Organ]
2 Words: Nouns
address highwayAdresspfad {m}
geogr. Alaska HighwayAlaska Highway {m}
traffic arterial highway [Am.]Ausfallstraße {f}
traffic belt highway [Am.]Autobahnring {m}
traffic belt highway [Am.]Ringstraße {f}
traffic belt highway [Am.]Stadtumgehung {f}
traffic city highwayStadtautobahn {f}
Internet data highwayDatenautobahn {f}
transp. divided highway [Am.]Schnellstraße {f} (mit Mittelstreifen)
electr. electricity highwayStromautobahn {f}
elevated highway [esp. Am.]Hochstraße {f}
elevated highway [esp. Am.]aufgestelzte Straße {f}
transp. express highway [Am.]Schnellstraße {f}
traffic federal highway [Am.]Bundesstraße {f}
geogr. travel Felbertauern HighwayFelbertauernstraße {f}
geogr. Hershey Highway[Schnellstraße nach der Stadt Hershey in den USA]
traffic transp. highway bridge [Am.]Autobahnbrücke {f}
constr. transp. highway bridge [Am.] [Can.]Straßenbrücke {f}
transp. travel highway bus [Am.] [Can.]Überlandbus {m}
constr. traffic urban highway capLärmschutzdeckel {m} [Autobahn]
law traffic transp. Highway Code [Br.]Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung {f} <StVO>
traffic highway cone [esp. Am.]Pylon {m} [Leitkegel]
constr. traffic urban highway deckLärmschutzdeckel {m} [Autobahn]
constr. jobs highway engineerStraßenbauingenieur {m}
traffic highway junction [Am.]Autobahndreieck {n}
traffic highway junction [Am.]Autobahnknoten {m} [österr.]
traffic highway junction [Am.]Autobahnkreuz {n}
traffic highway loop [Am.]Ringautobahn {f}
transp. highway network [Am.]Autobahnnetz {n}
highway patrolAutobahnpolizei {f}
constr. traffic highway planning [Am.]Autobahnplanung {f}
gastr. traffic transp. highway restaurant [Am.]Rasthaus {n}
highway robberStrauchritter {m}
highway robbersStrauchritter {pl}
highway robberyStraßenraub {m}
highway robberyStraßenräuberei {f}
highway robberyWegelagerei {f}
highway robbery [Am.] [coll.]Halsabschneiderei {f} [ugs.]
highway robbery [Am.] [coll.]Wucher {m}
highway seamStraßenfuge {f}
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A 2023-04-23: Stopping prohibited subject to the UK Highway Code
A 2023-04-23: UK Highway Code: what every driver in the UK must know by heart and encoun...
A 2023-04-19: Definitely correct, in TN we refer to the interstate as the highway.
A 2021-10-05: The UK Highway Code seems to disagree with +Wett+
A 2021-10-05: Cf. the UK Highway Code
A 2018-12-30: Cyclists / UK Highway Code
A 2018-12-30: +veering into another lane+ UK Highway Code
A 2018-04-05: Rather abstract stuff; perhaps +traffic regulation order along a section o...
A 2017-10-19: https://www.google.de/search?q=%22limited+access%22+highway+&btnG=Suche&gbv=1
A 2015-09-11: Sollte man bei unseren interstate-Einträgen nicht (highway) ergänzen?
A 2015-09-11: autobahn, IMHO ;-) freeway, highway, see dict entries
A 2013-12-05: motorway interchange \ highway interchange
Q 2013-12-04: highway junctions v. interstate intersections in US English
Q 2013-12-04: Autobahnknoten - highway junctions [Am.]
Q 2013-09-01: motorway and highway tolls
Q 2013-06-08: Welcome to the highway to success! Join me on the highway to riches!
Q 2013-03-16: Strassenverkehrsbehörde Highway Agency
A 2012-12-17: Information highway
A 2012-12-17: http://oxforddictionaries.com/us/search/english/?direct=1&multi=1&q=inform...
A 2012-01-28: In most U.S. states, the place just off the interstate highway officially ...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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