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English-German translation for: him [direct object]
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Dictionary English German: him [direct object]

Translation 1 - 50 of 881  >>

him {pron} [direct object]es [Akkusativ] [hier: auf eine männliche Person bezogen, z. B.: Ich liebe es (das Kerlchen, Büblein etc.)]
him {pron} [direct object]ihn
Partial Matches
him {pron} [indirect object]ihm
some {pron} [masculine direct object / plural indirect object]welchen
her {pron} [direct object]es [Akkusativ] [hier: auf eine weibliche Person bezogen, z. B.: Ich liebe es (das Mädchen, Fräulein etc.)]
her {pron} [direct object]sie [3. Pers. Singular, Akkusativ]
himself {pron} [direct object]ihn selber [meist ugs.]
himself {pron} [direct object]ihn selbst
me {pron} [direct object]mich
them {pron} [direct object]sie [3. Pers. Plural, Akkusativ]
somebody {pron} <sb.> [direct object]jemanden <jdn.>
an [masculine direct object]einen
ourselves {pron} [direct / indirect object]uns
some {pron} [neuter direct object]welches
someone {pron} <so.> [direct object]jemanden <jdn.>
themselves {pron} [direct / indirect object]sich [3. Person Plural]
themselves {pron} [direct / indirect object]sich selbst
you {pron} [direct object] [informal]dich
'em {pron} [coll.] [them] [direct object]sie
an [feminine subject / direct object]eine
herself {pron} [subject or direct object]sich [Dat. oder Akk.] selber [meist ugs.]
herself {pron} [subject or direct object]sie selbst
that {pron} [determiner] [masculine direct object]den
thee {pron} [poet., archaic] [direct object]dich
us {pron} [direct and indirect object]uns
yourself {pron} [subject or direct object]Sie selbst [formelle Anrede]
yourselves {pron} [direct / indirect object] [formal]sich
yourselves {pron} [direct / indirect object] [informal]euch
yourselves {pron} [direct / indirect object] [informal]euch selbst
that one {pron} [masculine direct object]den
this one {pron} [masculine direct object]den
a {indefinite article} [masculine direct object]einen
somebody or other {pron} [coll.] [direct object]irgendwen [ugs.]
my husband and me [direct object]meinen Mann und mich [meinen Ehemann und mich]
you {pron} [plural direct and indirect object] [informal]euch
this [determiner (adjective) and masculine direct object (pronoun)]den
you guys {pron} [Am.] [coll.] [direct or indirect object]euch
each and every one of us [direct object]jeden einzelnen von uns
you {pron} [singular and plural subject and direct object] [formal]Sie [formelle Anrede]
an [masculine subject / neuter subject or direct object]ein
audio DI box [coll.] [direct-input box, direct injection box, direct-interface box]DI-Box {f}
reference [allusion, direct]Bemerkung {f}
TrVocab. direct route [direct connection]direkte Verbindung {f}
tech. direct route [direct path]Direktweg {m}
tech. voice bot [to direct calls]Voicebot {m} [auch VoiceBot, Voice Bot, Voice-Bot]
to shade [screen from direct light]beschatten [geh.] [Schatten geben (und vor der Sonne schützen)]
hort. to shield sth. [against direct sunlight]etw. schattieren [gegen zu starke Sonneneinstrahlung schützen, abschirmen]
electr. DC field [direct current field]Gleichfeld {n}
fin. direct debit [also: direct debiting]Einzugsverfahren {n}
automot. M process [direct fuel injection]Mittelkugelverfahren {n} [Kraftstoffeinspritzung] [auch: M-Verfahren]
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