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Dictionary English German: him

Translation 1 - 50 of 646  >>

English German
PRON  he | him | his ... 
him {pron} [indirect object]
him {pron} [direct object]
him {pron} [direct object]es [Akkusativ] [hier: auf eine männliche Person bezogen, z. B.: Ich liebe es (das Kerlchen, Büblein etc.)]
2 Words: Others
about him {adv}seinetwegen [um ihn]
after him {adv}hinter ihm
After him!Ihm nach!
behind him {adv}hinter ihm
Bugger him! [vulg.](Dieser) Scheißkerl! [vulg.]
Conk him! [sl.]Gib es ihm! [ugs.]
Consult him!Frag ihn!
Consult him!Bitte ihn um seinen Rat!
bibl. Crucify him!Kreuziget ihn!
Curse him!Hol ihn der Teufel! [Redewendung]
for him {adv}um seinetwillen
Get him!Schnapp ihn (dir)!
Got him?Hast du ihn verstanden?
Kill him!Mach ihn platt! [ugs.]
like himwie er
Meet him!Triff ihn!
sb./sth. bothered himjd./etw. plagte ihn
Screw him! [vulg.]Scheiß auf ihn! [vulg.]
3 Words: Others
(Just) let him! [coll.]Soll er doch! [ugs.]
A curse escaped him.Ein Fluch entglitt ihm.
according to him {adv}nach ihm [laut seiner Aussage]
according to him {adv}nach seiner Angabe
according to him {adv}seiner Meinung nach
according to him {adv}wie von ihm angegeben
according to him {adv} [in his opinion]nach seiner Meinung
ahead of him {adv}vor ihm
Alcohol destroyed him.Der Alkohol war sein Niedergang.
all except him {pron}alle außer ihm
Anger possessed him.Zorn erfasste ihn.
as for him {adv}seinesteils [selten]
as for him {adv}was ihn betrifft
Ask him in!Bitte ihn herein!
Ask him in!Bitten Sie ihn hereinzukommen! [formelle Anrede]
Ask him over!Bitte ihn herüberzukommen!
Away with him!Fort mit ihm!
because of him {adv}seinetwegen
because of himwegen ihm [ugs.]
but for himwäre er nicht gewesen
Cut him short!Gib ihm nur wenig Geld!
Death claimed him.Der Tod ereilte ihn. [geh.]
Death overtook him.Der Tod ereilte ihn. [geh.]
Give him hell! [coll.]Mach ihn fertig! [ugs.]
Go after him!Laufe ihm nach!
Hark at him! [Br.] [coll.]Hör dir den an!
Here's to him! [idiom]Auf sein Wohl! [Redewendung]
I trust him.Ich vertraue ihm.
I'll tell him.Ich sag's ihm.
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Q 2024-08-17: I've seen him run.
A 2023-11-11: Why slow him down? Simply vote against him, as you did. You ...
A 2023-03-27: oder vielleicht: With an email, he socked it to him
A 2023-01-03: dann vielleicht: We will hopefully manage to carry him through (as we did ...
A 2022-09-14: Actually, +Sánderates+ being a genitive it seems to mean +(settlement) of ...
A 2022-08-15: Love transcends him as a subject, love lies rather in his work for the cre...
A 2022-04-16: +einen Hund scharf machen+ means more than just +to train him to attack on...
Q 2021-06-09: queer und Pride und she/her vs. he/him
Q 2021-03-18: I caught a cold from him.
A 2021-02-16: it has been bestowed on him at birth
A 2020-12-27: around him grew an atmosphere of isolation
Q 2020-07-14: have his work cut out for him
Q 2020-02-18: they would hear nothing said against him
A 2019-08-29: I've taken a liking to him / her
Q 2019-03-21: I wanted him so badly, to the exclusion of all less.
A 2019-02-22: I told him.
Q 2019-01-04: to see me/you/him etc out
Q 2018-11-12: as theer’s at all times some laying by for him
Q 2018-11-07: very fond of him for it, if she thought so.
Q 2018-09-19: ‘Sixpenn’orth of bad ha’pence,’... ‘I should know him agin to swear to’...

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