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English-German translation for: himself.
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Dictionary English German: himself

Translation 1 - 50 of 143  >>

English German
PRON  - | himself | - ... 
himself {pron}
himself {pron}
selber [meist ugs.] [selbst]
himself [postpos.]
höchstpersönlich [nachgestellt]
himself {pron}er selbst
himself {pron}sich [Dat. oder Akk.] selber [meist ugs.]
himself {pron}sich selbst
himself {pron} [direct object]ihn selber [meist ugs.]
himself {pron} [direct object]ihn selbst
himself {pron} [indirect object]ihm selber [meist ugs.]
himself {pron} [indirect object]ihm selbst
2 Words: Others
beside himself {adj}außer sichDat. [nur prädikativ: außer sich sein] [aufgebracht]
by himself {adv}für sich allein [maskulin]
for himself {adv}für sich selbst
sb. betook himself [literary]jd. begab sich
sb. hung sb. / himself [coll.] [sb. hanged sb. / himself]jd. erhängte jdn. / sich
3 Words: Others
absented himself / herself {past-p}ferngeblieben
all by himself {adv}ganz allein [er]
everyone for himself [idiom]jeder für sich [Redewendung]
He hanged himself.Er hängte sich auf.
He hung himself. [coll.] [He hanged himself.]Er hängte sich auf.
He identified himself.Er wies sich aus.
He shot himself.Er hat sich erschossen.
He washes himself.Er wäscht sich.
sb. absented himself / herselfjd. blieb fern
sb. absents himself / herselfjd. bleibt fern
sb. avenges (himself / herself)jd. rächt (sich)
sb. chastened himself / herselfjd. kasteite sich
sb. chastens himself / herselfjd. kasteiet sich
sb. chastens himself / herselfjd. kasteit sich
sb. cloistered himself / herselfjd. zog sich zurück
sb. cloisters himself / herselfjd. zieht sich zurück
sb. comported himself / herselfjd. betrug sich
sb. comports himself / herselfjd. beträgt sich
sb. demeaned himself / herself [archaic]jd. benahm sich
sb. demeans himself / herself [archaic]jd. benimmt sich
sb. denied himself / herself sth.jd. hat sichDat. etw.Akk. verkniffen
sb. denies himself / herself sth.jd. verkneift sichDat. etw. [ugs.] [versagt sich etw.]
sb. emancipated himself / herselfjd. emanzipierte sich
sb. endeared himself / herselfjd. schmeichelte sich ein
sb. endears himself / herselfjd. schmeichelt sich ein
sb. exerted himself / herselfjd. bemühte sich
sb. exerts himself / herselfjd. strebt
sb. exerts himself / herselfjd. bemüht sich
sb. familiarizes himself / herselfjd. macht sich vertraut
sb. ingratiated himself / herselfjd. schmeichelte sich ein
sb. ingratiates himself / herselfjd. macht sich beliebt
sb. ingratiates himself / herselfjd. schmeichelt sich ein
sb. introduced himself / herselfjd. stellte sich vor [machte sich bekannt]
sb. misbehaved (himself / herself)jd. benahm sich schlecht
sb. misbehaves (himself / herself)jd. benimmt sich schlecht
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Q 2024-05-25: himself, herself, oneself nur bei reflexive Verwendung eines Verbs
Q 2020-11-14: either [of the joint account-holders allowed ] to sign cheques by himself
A 2019-11-08: I have asked Paul to delete all of these 25 or so spams himself.
A 2019-01-07: die Metapher scheint von Buddha +himself+ zu stammen (Flattergeist?)
Q 2017-01-18: A wolf does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep
A 2016-11-14: Good to see you exercised about correct French, Catesse. But +Christian Sc...
A 2016-04-11: ... in which activities are predicated of Franz himself OR ... in which Fr...
A 2015-12-10: whether NN can do +whatever+ in spite of herself / himself
Q 2015-12-03: "sb. denied himself sth. ..... jd. hat sich etw. verkniffen"
Q 2015-08-18: to which he himself had begun by contributing
A 2015-07-04: Or... He would damn sure tell you this himself if he didn't get carried aw...
A 2015-07-04: I'm certain he could tell you that yourself if he wouldn't amuse himself w...
A 2015-07-01: +wesenlebig+ is a word K made up for himself; could be +living in essence+
A 2015-06-17: maybe: he landed himself flat on the bed
A 2015-01-23: Maybe: Based on the impression he always gave of himself
A 2014-10-14: he (himself) slammed on the brakes
A 2014-09-11: A asks B to kill himself - B should die.
Q 2014-09-11: one's self oder himself ?
A 2014-04-24: neglet himself - - - letting himself go - - - house coat
A 2013-11-12: After all, does not Th. M. tend to act in a way so as to shape the essence...

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