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English-German translation for: hinder sb. in his work
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hinder sb. in his work in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: hinder sb in his work

Translation 1 - 50 of 59581  >>

Keywords contained
to hinder sb. in his workjdn. bei seiner Arbeit behindern
Partial Matches
You hinder me from work.Du hältst mich von der Arbeit ab.
to hinder sb./sth.jdn./etw. behindern
to hinder sb. from doing sth.jdn. an etw.Dat. hindern
to comfort sb. in his griefjdn. in seinem Kummer trösten
to keep sb. in his place [idiom]jdn. in seine Schranken weisen [Redewendung]
idiom to pay sb. in his own coinjdm. etw. mit eigener Münze heimzahlen
to put sb. in his / her placejdn. in den Senkel stellen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. in his place [fig.] [idiom]jdn. auf seinen Platz verweisen [fig.] [Redewendung]
idiom sb. is shaking in his / her boots [coll.]jdm. geht der Hintern auf Grundeis [ugs.]
idiom to pay sb. back in his / her own coinjdm. etw. mit gleicher Münze heimzahlen
idiom to pay sb. back in his / her own coinjdm. nichts schuldig bleiben
to show sb. in his / her true colours [Br.] [idiom]jds. wahres Gesicht zeigen [Redewendung]
to leave sb. to stew (in his / her own juice / juices)jdn. im eigenen Saft schmoren lassen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to work hand in hand (with sb.)(mit jdm.) Hand in Hand arbeiten
to ask sb. for his / her / their daughter's hand in marriagejdn. um die Hand seiner / ihrer Tochter anhalten [alt]
to work hand in glove (with sb.) [idiom](mit jdm.) Hand in Hand arbeiten [Redewendung]
idiom to work sb./sth. in [one's agenda etc.]jdn./etw. dazwischenquetschen [fig.] [in Terminkalender etc.]
idiom to work sb./sth. in [one's agenda etc.]jdn./etw. dazwischenschieben [fig.] [in Terminkalender etc.]
specimen of his workBeispiel {n} seiner Arbeit
sb. has a feeling in the pit of his stomach [sb. suspects something bad]jdm. steigen die Grausbirnen auf [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [Redewendung] [jd. ahnt Schlimmes]
His plan didn't work out.Seine Rechnung ging nicht auf. [Redewendung]
His plans did not work out.Seine Rechnung ist nicht aufgegangen.
His plans don't work out.Seine Rechnung geht nicht auf. [fig.]
proverb A workman is known by his work.Einen Arbeiter beurteilt man nach seiner Arbeit.
He is quite devoted to his work.Er geht ganz in seiner Arbeit auf.
What's his / her line of work?Was ist er / sie von Beruf?
his many years {pl} of work / working with / for ...seine langjährige Mitarbeit {f} bei ...
He is completely dedicated, he thinks of nothing but his work.Er hat sich völlig seiner Arbeit verschrieben, er denkt an nichts anderes.
to hinderbeengen
to hinderhemmen [z. B. Entwicklung, Fortschritt]
to hinderhindern
Unverified to hinderstören
to hinder sth.etw.Akk. verhindern
hinder {adj} [hind, posterior]hintere
to hinder sth. [impede]etw. aufhalten [behindern]
quote The Moor has done his work - the Moor may go. [Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa, anonymous translator]Der Mohr hat seine Arbeit getan, der Mohr kann gehen. [Friedrich Schiller, Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua (Muley Hassan, III,4)]
in his day {adv}seinerzeit
in his day {adv}zu seiner Zeit
in his ownershipin seinem Eigentum (stehend)
in his prime {adv}im besten Mannesalter
in his steadan seiner Stelle
in his teens {adv}als Halbwüchsiger
in his viewaus seiner Sicht
in his view {adv}in seinen Augen [Redewendung]
in his view {adv}nach seiner Auffassung
in his view {adv}seiner Ansicht nach
in his honour {adv} [Br.]ihm zu Ehren
ambitious in his activities {adj}ehrgeizig in seinen Aktivitäten
deep in his mindtief in seiner Seele
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