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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: history workshop
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Dictionary English German: history workshop

Translation 1 - 50 of 860  >>

acad. hist. history workshopGeschichtswerkstatt {f}
Partial Matches
workshopArbeitsraum {m}
workshopArbeitstagung {f}
ind. workshopBetrieb {m}
workshopBetriebswerkstatt {f}
workshopProduktionsbetrieb {m}
workshopWerkstätte {f}
to workshop sth.[etwas innerhalb einer Gruppe ausarbeiten, spez. Theater]
workshop [meeting]Arbeitstreffen {n}
apprenticeship workshopLehrwerkstatt {f}
apprenticeship workshopLehrwerkstätte {f}
tech. backyard workshopGaragenbetrieb {m} [Hinterhofwerkstatt]
backyard workshopHinterhofwerkstatt {f}
RealEst. basement workshopHobbykeller {m} [Werkstatt]
calibration workshopKalibrierstelle {f} [auch: Kalibrierwerstatt]
car workshopKfz-Werkstatt {f}
carpenters' workshopZimmerei {f}
archi. constr. cathedral workshopDombauhütte {f}
company workshopFirmenworkshop {m}
mus. RadioTV theatre costume workshopKostümwerkstatt {f}
craft workshopHandwerkstätte {f}
art creative workshopKreativwerkstatt {f}
art creative workshopKreativworkshop {m} [österr. auch {n}]
dance workshopTanzwerkstatt {f}
educ. education workshopBildungswerkstatt {f}
electr. electronics workshopElektronikwerkstatt {f}
comm. ind. engine workshopMotorenschlosserei {f}
educ. exam workshopExamensworkshop {m}
archi. ind. factory workshopWerkhalle {f}
furniture workshopMöbelwerkstatt {f}
future workshopZukunftswerkstatt {f}
hobby workshopHobbywerkstatt {f}
FireResc hose workshopSchlauchwerkstatt {f}
educ. introductory workshopEinführungsworkshop {m}
mus. jazz workshopJazz-Workshop {m} [österr. auch {n}]
educ. knowledge workshopWissenswerkstatt {f}
educ. learning workshopLernwerkstatt {f}
leather workshopLederwerkstatt {f}
ind. manufacturing workshopFertigungswerkstatt {f}
comm. ind. master workshopMeisterbetrieb {m}
ind. tech. mechanical workshopmechanische Werkstatt {f}
metal workshopMetallwerkstatt {f}
pottery (workshop)Töpferwerkstatt {f}
educ. practice workshopÜbungswerkstatt {f}
ind. production workshopProduktionswerkstatt {f}
ind. production workshopProduktionswerkstätte {f}
transp. repair workshopAusbesserungswerk {n} <AW>
acad. research workshopForschungsworkshop {m}
restoration workshopRestaurierungswerkstatt {f}
sheltered workshopBehindertenwerkstatt {f}
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