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English-German translation for: holds
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Dictionary English German: holds

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
NOUN   a hold | holds
VERB  to hold | held | held
holding | holds
sb. holds
jd. hält
naut. holds
Schiffsräume {pl}
2 Words
sb. holds officejd. amtiert
sb. holds officejd. hat das Amt inne
sb. holds up [robs]jd. überfällt
sb./sth. holds outjd./etw. verharrt
3 Words
no-holds-barred {adj}kompromisslos
no-holds-barred {adj}schonungslos
no-holds-barred {adj}uneingeschränkt
no-holds-barred {adj}ohne Kompromisse
no-holds-barred {adj}alle Mittel erlaubt
sb. holds a meetingjd. tagt
Tradition holds that ...Der Überlieferung nach ...
4 Words
math. If A holds, so does B.Wenn A gilt, dann gilt auch B.
sb. holds sb./sth. near and dearjd./etw. liegt jdm. besonders am Herzen
The offer still holds.Das Angebot steht (noch immer).
no-holds-barred campaignhemmungslose Kampagne {f}
5+ Words
Death holds no terror for me.Der Tod hat für mich nichts Schreckliches.
idiom Everybody holds him in utter contempt now.Von ihm nimmt heute kein Hund (mehr) einen Bissen Brot.
Let's see what the future holds.Mal sehen, was die Zukunft bringt.
quote So that I may perceive whatever holds // The world together in its inmost folds.Dass ich erkenne, was die Welt // Im Innersten zusammenhält. [Johann W. v. Goethe]
sth. has / holds a special place in sb.'s heart [idiom]jds. Herz schlägt für etw.Akk. [Redewendung]
The same holds true for ...Gleiches gilt für ...
law The weight of authority holds that...Nach herrschender Rechtsprechung ist...
bibl. These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. [Revelation 3:7; NIV]Das sagt der Heilige, der Wahrhaftige, der da hat den Schlüssel Davids, der auftut, und niemand schließt zu, der zuschließt, und niemand tut auf: [Offb. 3,7; Luther 1912]
This also holds good for ...Dies gilt auch für ...
to fight with no holds barred [idiom]mit harten Bandagen kämpfen [fig.]
car that holds the road wellAuto {n}, das gut auf der Straße liegt
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A 2023-03-10: Source. The above holds for BE usage.
A 2020-08-09: 16:34 / 2: What goes for +countersunk+ fillets equally holds for +sunk / s...
A 2018-02-06: Suggestion: the bag of Aeolus holds all the winds; applause is transitory ...
A 2017-05-24: The same holds for round pegs and square holes
A 2017-03-14: For him who is lied to the Commandment certainly holds good / true
A 2017-01-23: G'impfte ~ Geimpfte: The weak E in the prefix +ge-+ is often dropped in ra...
A 2015-11-07: Holds me down
A 2015-09-16: She holds all the creatures stirring on earth in a faithful embrace
A 2015-09-15: freely: She holds in loving embrace all creatures who stir upon the earth.
A 2015-07-16: That holds at least for the inhabitant's sense of insular identity. But ...
A 2015-06-10: holds good
Q 2014-01-17: it holds
A 2013-08-21: OK, but that holds for 'staple titles' only: e.g. A Midsummer Night's Dre...
A 2013-08-01: s.th. is true / holds then and now
Q 2013-02-12: X holds 5,000 times it's weight in water
A 2013-01-30: If that difference in the link holds ...
Q 2012-12-05: He holds degrees from x-college and y-college.
A 2012-09-15: clarification: the obove holds for an "s" in the beginning and in the midd...
A 2012-04-24: Beg to differ - +allow(s) for+ crops up more frequently in the LINK I gave...
A 2011-11-29: Your premiss, wandle / 14:16, holds for any language on dict.cc, it seems....

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