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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: holiday-home
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Dictionary English German: holiday home

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NOUN   a holiday home | holiday homes
holiday homeFerienhaus {n}
RealEst. travel TrVocab. holiday homeFerienhäuschen {n}
travel TrVocab. holiday homeFerienwohnung {f}
holiday homeFreizeithaus {n} [Ferienhaus]
travel holiday-home areaFerienhausgebiet {n}
(summer) holiday home [esp. Br.]Sommerhaus {n}
Partial Matches
travel TrVocab. holiday apartment <holiday apt.>Ferienwohnung {f} <FeWo>
to work from homeHome-Office machen [ugs.]
Internet Home [button]Home [Schaltfläche]
home buttonHome-Taste {f}
med. holiday heart syndrome <HHS>Holiday-Heart-Syndrom {n} <HHS>
market. RealEst. home stagingHome Staging {n} [professionelles Adaptieren von Immobilien zur Verkaufsförderung]
film F Coming Home [Hal Ashby]Coming HomeSie kehren heim
sports to hit a home runeinen Home-Run erzielen
to holidayurlauben [ugs.]
holiday-related {adj}ferienbedingt
travel activity holidayAktivurlaub {m}
travel adventure holidayAbenteuerurlaub {m}
travel adventure holidayErlebnisurlaub {m}
annual holidayJahresurlaub {m}
backpacking holidayRucksackurlaub {m}
beach holidayStrandurlaub {m}
boating holidayBootsurlaub {m}
Christmas holidayWeihnachtsurlaub {m}
domestic holidayInlandsurlaub {m}
Easter holidayOsterurlaub {m}
travel eco-holidayBiourlaub {m}
educational holidayErziehungsurlaub {m}
family holidayFamilienurlaub {m}
forced holidayZwangsurlaub {m}
travel holiday abroadAuslandsurlaub {m}
TrVocab. travel holiday accommodationFerienunterkunft {f}
travel holiday accommodationUrlaubsdomizil {n}
holiday acquaintanceUrlaubsbekanntschaft {f}
holiday addressUrlaubsadresse {f}
holiday addressUrlaubsanschrift {f}
holiday adventureUrlaubsabenteuer {n}
aviat. travel holiday airlineFerienflieger {m}
admin. holiday allowanceUrlaubsgeld {n}
travel holiday apartmentFerienapartment {n}
holiday apartmentFerienappartement {n}
holiday areaErholungsgebiet {n}
holiday areaFeriengebiet {n}
holiday areaFerienregion {f}
holiday areaUrlaubsgebiet {n}
travel holiday brochureUrlaubsprospekt {m}
travel TrVocab. holiday clubFerienclub {m}
travel holiday coloniesFerienkolonien {pl}
travel holiday colonyFerienkolonie {f}
travel holiday complexFerienanlage {f}
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A 2013-10-14: That's true, but +holiday home village+ didn't sound right to me :-)
A 2013-10-14: Holiday homes are generally 'normal' houses that have been bought as secon...
A 2009-03-22: school holiday home http://www.hh.schule.de/hhs/english/neuweng.htm
A 2008-02-15: holiday home to let = vermieten / h h to rent = mieten
A 2008-02-15: Holiday home letting

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