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English-German translation for: home's rental
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Dictionary English German: home's rental

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Partial Matches
children's home [institution]Kinderheim {n}
It's home time!Feierabend!
old people's homeAltenheim {n}
old people's homeAltersheim {n}
old people's homeSeniorenheim {n}
old people's homePensionistenheim {n} [österr.]
of one's home townvaterstädtisch
to find one's way homeheimfinden
old people's homeBetagtenheim {n} [schweiz.] [Altersheim]
to long for one's homeHeimweh haben
home of one's owneigenes Zuhause {n}
jobs to work from homeHome-Office machen [ugs.]
at sb.'s home {adv}bei jdm. zu Hause
at one's home {adv}bei sichDat. zuhause
in one's homebei sich zu Hause
comm. to deliver to one's homefrei Haus liefern
to make one's way homenach Hause gehen
to make one's way homesichAkk. heimbegeben
at one's home {adv}bei sichDat. zu Hause
She's back home.Sie ist wieder zu Hause.
to find shelter at sb.'s homebei jdm. unterschlüpfen
jobs carer in an old people's home [female]Altenbetreuerin {f}
zool. T
zool. T
Let's go home.Lass / Lasst uns nach Hause gehen.
proverb East, west - home's best.Osten, Westen - daheim am besten.
to ram one's point home [idiom]seinen Standpunkt (nachdrücklich) klarmachen
to be on one's way homeauf dem Heimweg sein
to bend one's steps towards homeseine Schritte heimwärts lenken
RadioTV F Foster's Home for Imaginary FriendsFosters Haus für Fantasiefreunde
proverb There's no place like home.Eigner Herd ist Goldes wert.
to be on one's way homesich auf dem Heimweg befinden
jobs carer in an old people's homeAltenbetreuer {m} [in einem Altenheim]
in the comfort of one's (own) homeam heimischen Herd [geh.]
It's nothing to write home about. [idiom]Das ist nichts Besonderes.
film F A Prairie Home Companion [Robert Altman]Robert Altman's Last Radio Show
It's hitting / striking closer to home. [idiom]Die Einschläge kommen näher. [Redewendung]
Internet Home [button]Home [Schaltfläche]
home buttonHome-Taste {f}
It's time to make tracks home.Es ist Zeit nach Hause zu gehen.
to work at the customer's home / houseauf der Stör arbeiten [veraltet] [österr.] [südd.]
market. RealEst. home stagingHome Staging {n} [professionelles Adaptieren von Immobilien zur Verkaufsförderung]
to live at one's parents' home [as a grown-up]im Hotel Mama bleiben [ugs.]
to live at one's parents' home [as a grown-up]im Hotel Mama wohnen [ugs.]
film F Coming Home [Hal Ashby]Coming HomeSie kehren heim
That's nothing to write home about. [coll.] [idiom]Damit ist kein Staat zu machen. [Redewendung]
That's nothing to write home about. [coll.] [idiom]Das will nicht viel heißen. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Berlin Jewish People's HomeJüdisches Volksheim {n} (in) Berlin
It's nothing to write home about. [idiom]Damit lockt man keinen Hund hinterm Ofen hervor. [Redewendung]
to make oneself at home at sb.'s house / flatsichAkk. bei jdm. häuslich einrichten [ugs.] [Redewendung]
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