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English-German translation for: honesty
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Dictionary English German: honesty

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
NOUN1   an honesty | honesties
NOUN2   honesty [quality of being honest] | -
SYNO   honestness | honesty | Lunaria annua ... 
Ehrlichkeit {f}
Aufrichtigkeit {f}
honesty [frankness]
Offenheit {f}
honesty [decency]
Anständigkeit {f}
Redlichkeit {f}
honesty [sense of honour]
Ehrenhaftigkeit {f}
honesty [respectability]
Ehrbarkeit {f}
honesty [archaic] [chastity]
Keuschheit {f}
honestyRechtschaffenheit {f} [veraltend]
bot. T
2 Words: Others
in honesty {adv}ehrlich
with honesty {adv}in aller Ehrlichkeit
2 Words: Nouns
acad. academic honestyakademische Redlichkeit {f}
brutal honestybrutale Aufrichtigkeit {f}
common honestyeinfache Ehrlichkeit {f}
comm. honesty boxVertrauenskasse {f}
comm. honesty boxKasse {f} des Vertrauens
intellectual honestyintellektuelle Redlichkeit {f}
law relig. public honesty [honestas publica, publica honestas]öffentliche Ehrbarkeit {f} [kath. Kirchenrecht]
3 Words: Others
for honesty's sake {adv}der Ehrlichkeit wegen
in all honesty {adv}ehrlicherweise
in all honesty {adv}ehrlich gesagt
in all honesty {adv}ganz ehrlich
in all honesty {adv}auf Ehre und Gewissen [wirklich und wahrhaftig]
3 Words: Verbs
to answer for sb.'s honestyfür jds. Ehrlichkeit bürgen
to be honesty itself [idiom]die Ehrlichkeit in Person sein [Redewendung]
to claim honesty from sb.Ehrlichkeit von jdm. verlangen
to vouch for sb.'s honestyfür jds. Ehrlichkeit bürgen
4 Words: Nouns
educ. declaration of academic honestyeidesstattliche Erklärung {f} [z. B. bei Diplomarbeiten (Selbstständigkeitserklärung)]
5+ Words: Others
by his reputation for honestybei seinem ehrlichen Ruf
proverb Honesty is the best policy.Ehrlich währt am längsten.
in all honesty and sincerity {adv}in aller Aufrichtigkeit [Redewendung]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2016-06-12: one - nil to honesty
A 2011-07-06: Ich danke beide (Alex, thanks for your honesty :)))
A 2010-03-22: I wouldn't call honesty
A 2009-12-08: unashamed honesty?
A 2009-06-20: ...and again the disarming honesty.....
A 2009-06-11: Actually, no 'making sarcasm' here. I do prefer some pretense over brutal ...
Q 2009-04-29: German honesty
A 2008-01-22: Aufrichtigkeit = sincerity, honesty u.ä.
A 2007-02-01: Thank you for your quick reply and your honesty.
A 2007-02-01: Or and also for your honesty
A 2006-08-16: You get what you deserve / honesty is the best policy
A 2006-08-07: word order... maybe 'Am I honestly/in all honesty the only one...' ?
A 2006-05-09: yes, writer's block... or extreme honesty... don't dogs eat homework in Germany?
A 2005-03-23: honesty pays off

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