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English-German translation for: horizontal
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Dictionary English German: horizontal

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ADJ   horizontal | more horizontal | most horizontal
NOUN   a horizontal | horizontals
ADJ  horizontal | - | - ... 
SYNO   horizontal | waagerecht | waagrecht
horizontal {adj}
horizontal {adj}
horizontal {adj}
level {adj}
horizontally {adv}
horizontal {adj}
horizontal {adj}
transomed {adj}horizontal unterteilt [Fenster]
math. the horizontaldie Horizontale {f}
2 Words: Others
dead horizontal {adj}ganz horizontal
more horizontal {adj}waagerechter
most horizontal {adj}waagerechteste
2 Words: Verbs
to flip horizontalhorizontal spiegeln
2 Words: Nouns
geol. optics (horizontal) leveling [Am.]Horizontierung {f}
geol. optics (horizontal) levelling [Br.]Horizontierung {f}
med. Frankfurt horizontal <FH>Deutsche Horizontale {f} <DH> [Frankfurter Horizontale]
dent. MedTech. Frankfurt horizontal <FH>Frankfurter Horizontale {f} <FH> [Deutsche Horizontale]
phys. horizontal accelerationHorizontalbeschleunigung {f}
horizontal acquisitionhorizontale Erwerbung {f}
geol. optics horizontal adjustmentHorizontierung {f}
horizontal amalgamationhorizontaler Zusammenschluss {m}
horizontal analysishorizontale Analyse {f}
math. tech. horizontal angleHorizontalwinkel {m}
telecom. horizontal antennaHorizontalantenne {f}
telecom. horizontal antennahorizontale Antenne {f}
econ. horizontal approachhorizontaler Ansatz {m}
horizontal axishorizontale Achse {f}
constr. horizontal balk [esp. Am.]Tram {m} [österr.] [waagrechter Balken]
sports horizontal barReck {n}
sports horizontal barReckstange {f}
tech. horizontal beamLängstraverse {f}
electr. RadioTV horizontal blanking [horizontal blanking interval]Horizontalaustastung {f}
electr. RadioTV horizontal blanking [horizontal blanking interval]horizontale Austastung {f}
horizontal blindHorizontaljalousie {f}
astron. horizontal branch <HB>Horizontalast {m}
horizontal carousel <HOCA>Horizontalumlauflager {n} [Fördertechnik]
biol. horizontal cellHorizontalzelle {f}
biol. horizontal cellsHorizontalzellen {pl}
traffic transp. horizontal clearanceDurchfahrtsbreite {f}
horizontal combinationhorizontaler Zusammenschluss {m}
phys. horizontal componentHorizontalkomponente {f}
constr. horizontal crackHorizontalriss {m} [z. B. Bauschaden]
horizontal cutHorizontalschnitt {m}
automot. engin. tech. horizontal cylinderHorizontalzylinder {m}
horizontal deflectionHorizontalablenkung {f}
horizontal deflectionhorizontale Ablenkung {f}
horizontal deformationHorizontalverformung {f}
MedTech. horizontal deviationHorizontalabweichung {f}
horizontal dimensionhorizontale Dimension {f}
QM tech. horizontal directivehorizontale Richtlinie {f}
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A 2023-01-04: Liegende Rechtecke > grid paper horizontal rectangles
A 2021-12-24: 2 across – two separately cut labels on each horizontal row
A 2019-04-28: Barry wavy means horizontal wavy lines:
Q 2016-09-11: Zaunriegel, hello, I am looking for part of a garden fence, the wooden hor...
A 2016-05-07: Querfries - horizontal wood inserts
A 2013-08-16: horizontal?
A 2013-06-27: On sports shirts, stripes are vertical and rings are horizontal,
A 2013-06-05: horizontal union / Fachgewerkschaft
A 2012-12-01: Vertical auger / horizontal auger.
A 2012-06-06: Is it the horizontal part of the scaffolding? Like Schuss and Kette in weaving?
Q 2012-05-17: Beste Übersetzung für "horizontal equity"
A 2012-04-24: Abänderung: to design allowing for smooth horizontal movements
A 2012-04-24: allow for ( = einbeziehen, einberechnen, berücksichtigen) smooth horizonta...
A 2012-04-24: ? permit nearly frictionless horizontal movement
A 2011-09-09: I've found +horizontal to vertical noise(/spectral) ratio-+
A 2010-08-10: I don't think it's the Frontverkleidung, because a counter is horizontal.
A 2010-03-15: only if you put the bb. in a horizontal position
A 2010-03-15: I shall / will / am going to write it on the blackboard (you could +write ...
A 2010-01-25: horizontal load ...
Q 2009-12-03: Bitte in dict.cc eingeben: Flammrohr-Rauchrohrkessel / Flammrohrrauchrohrk...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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