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English-German translation for: horn
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Dictionary English German: horn

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NOUN   a horn | horns
SYNO   automobile horn | car horn | hooter ... 
NOUN   das Horn | - [Material] | die Hörner/[auch] Horne [Tierhörner, Objekte]
SYNO   Horn | Hupe | Sirene | Tröte [ugs.]
material horny {adj} [made of horn]aus Horn [nachgestellt]
biol. med. keratinophagous {adj}Horn / Keratin fressend
hunting mus. to bugledas Horn blasen
automot. horn
Hupe {f}
Horn {n}
engin. horn
Sonotrode {f}
horn [noisemaker]
Tröte {f} [regional]
mus. bugle
Horn {n}
horn [siren]
Sirene {f}
horn [Br.] [vulg.] [sl.] [erect penis]
Ständer {m} [ugs.] [erigierter Penis]
mus. cornet
Horn {n}
hist. myth. pharm. alicorn [horn of a unicorn]Horn {n} des Einhorns
cornuHorn {n}
cornucopiaHorn {n} der Fülle und des Reichtums
watches hornBandanschlusssteg {m}
tools hornHorn {n} [Hobelgriff]
hornSchalltrichter {m}
bibl. horn [fig.] [e.g. in: ... his horn will be exalted with honor]Horn {n} [fig.] [als Symbol der Stärke oder des Segens] [z. B. in: ... sein Horn wird erhöht mit Ehren]
zool. ossiconezapfenartiges Horn {n} [einer Giraffe oder eines Okapi]
bot. T
2 Words: Others
mus. zool. four-horn {adj} [attr.]Vierhorn-
horn-handled {adj}mit Horngriff [nachgestellt]
horn-ridged {adj}schwielig
horn-shaped {adj}hornförmig
2 Words: Verbs
to horn in [sl.]sich eindrängen
to horn in [sl.]sich einmischen
to shoe-horn [coll.]einpassen [mit Schwierigkeiten hineinzwängen]
2 Words: Nouns
audio (loudspeaker) hornLautsprechertrichter {m}
air hornDrucklufthorn {n}
air hornLufthorn {n}
automot. tech. alarm hornAlarmhorn {n}
tech. alarm hornWarnhupe {f}
mus. alpine hornAlpenhorn {n} [selten für: Alphorn]
mus. alto hornAlthorn {n}
FireResc ambulance sirenMartin-Horn® {n} [Rettungsdienst] [selten] [Martinshorn]
anat. Ammon's hornAmmonshorn {n}
entom. anal hornAnalhorn {n}
animal hornTierhorn {n}
anat. anterior horn [Cornu anterius]Vorderhorn {n}
biol. apical hornApicalhorn {n}
electr. arc horn [sometimes also arcing horn]Lichtbogenhorn {n}
electr. arcing hornLichtbogenhorn {n}
mus. baritone (horn)Tenorhorn {n}
mus. baritone (horn) [saxhorn]Baritonhorn {n}
mus. bass hornBasstuba {f}
mus. basset hornAltklarinette {f}
mus. basset hornBassetthorn {n}
bike bicycle hornFahrradhupe {f}
blowing hornRufhorn {n}
VetMed. zool. bovine hornRinderhorn {n}
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A 2019-01-15: Alternatively +Before seeing the car you will hear the horn+
A 2016-09-23: "tenor horn" / "tenor saxhorn"
A 2016-09-23: Tenorhorn > +(German n.) tenor horn although the term sometimes denotes th...
A 2016-09-22: http://www.dict.cc/?s=subject%3Amus.Horn
A 2014-02-26: Nasenzwicker: Seine propellerartigen Früchte sind ein prima Spielzeug. Sie...
A 2013-08-15: complex tear involving the posterior horn of the internal meniscus
A 2012-03-14: Aber Mutti machte mir Mut, alles auszuprobieren - Horn / Waldhorn, Trompet...
A 2011-10-21: Don't toot your own horn.
A 2011-06-17: Sorry... I meant "hOnks [his horn]"
A 2011-01-04: Word formation: Horn > (diminutive) word (umlaut) & L = Hörnl > intrusive ...
A 2011-01-04: small horn in dialect
A 2010-12-13: A Victrola was a type of gramophone without the horn -
A 2009-11-27: More of a horn than a whistle, but this is the sound I immediately thought of -
Q 2009-10-20: Übersetzung für "long-throw woofers", "horn-loaded tweeters", "bi-amplifie...
Q 2008-09-10: Er besaß ein 50 Zentimeter großes Horn auf der Nase.
A 2008-06-29: also 'party horn'
A 2008-06-29: +hooter / horn+ confirmed - few pics for +hooter+ in its original sense be...
A 2008-06-28: horn ... !?
Q 2007-04-18: Technischer Ausdruck 'air horn' auf Deutsch?
A 2007-02-15: plate horn

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