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English-German translation for: horseback
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Dictionary English German: horseback

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
NOUN   a horseback | horsebacks
SYNO   hogback | horseback | ahorse ... 
horseback {adj} {adv}zu Pferd
horseback [back of a horse]
Pferderücken {m}
2 Words: Others
(on) horseback {adv}zu Pferd
on horseback {adv}zu Pferde
equest. on horseback {adv}hoch zu Ross
equest. on horseback {adv}(auf einem Pferd) reitend
equest. on horseback {adj} [postpos.]beritten
equest. on horseback {adj} [postpos.]hoch zu Ross [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
horseback archeryberittenes Bogenschießen {n}
equest. hunting Unverified horseback huntReitjagd {f}
equest. hunting Unverified horseback huntingReitjagd {f}
equest. horseback rideAusritt {m}
equest. horseback ridingPferdereiten {n}
equest. horseback ridingReiten {n} [auf Pferd]
travel horseback safarisWanderritte {pl}
equest. horseback trail [Am.]Reitweg {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to be on horsebackzu Pferd sein
to come on horsebackzu Pferd kommen
to come on horsebackzu Pferde kommen
3 Words: Nouns
sports acrobat on horsebackVoltigierer {m}
sports acrobat on horseback [female]Voltigiererin {f}
gastr. angels on horseback [Br.][in Schinkenscheiben eingewickelte Austern, auf Toast serviert]
hist. pol. circuit (on horseback)Umritt {m}
excursion on horsebackAusflug {m} zu Pferde
police on horsebackberittene Polizei {f}
travel safari on horsebackReitsafari {f}
med. psych. therapeutic horseback ridingtherapeutisches Reiten {n}
5+ Words: Verbs
to lose one's way on horsebacksichAkk. verreiten
to not know whether one is afoot or on horseback [Am.] [sl.] [idiom]nicht wissen, wo einem der Kopf steht [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Pirates on Horseback [Lesley Selander]Piraten zu Pferde
film F Man on HorsebackMichael Kohlhaas - der Rebell [Volker Schlöndorff]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
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A 2010-07-08: add-on: "horseback riding" means casual riding during a vacation, twice a ...
A 2010-07-08: Sorry, got ahead of myself: AE would prefer "horseback riding."
A 2010-07-08: "horseback riding" site: us
A 2009-09-09: Typo: horseback
A 2004-10-11: horseback
A 2004-10-11: horseback acrobatics?

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