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English-German translation for: horses
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Dictionary English German: horses

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

English German
NOUN   a horse | horses
VERB  to horse | horsed | horsed
horsing | horses
Pferde {pl}
Gäule {pl}
agr. horses
Rösser {pl} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
zool. horses
Rosse {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
equest. games to back horsesauf Pferde setzen
equest. to breed horsesPferde züchten
to change horsesdie Pferde wechseln
to stable horsesPferde im Stall unterbringen
to swap horsesPferde tauschen
equest. to tame horsesPferde zähmen
2 Words: Nouns
horses' hair {sg}Pferdehaare {pl}
horses' teethPferdezähne {pl}
zool. thoroughbred horsesVollblutpferde {pl}
trained horsesSchulpferde {pl}
war horsesSchlachtrosse {pl}
war horsesSchlachtrösser {pl} [südd.] [österr.]
white horsesWellen {pl} mit Schaumkronen
zool. wild horsesWildpferde {pl}
3 Words: Others
drawn by horses {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]von Pferden gezogen
Hold your horses! [coll.] [dated] [idiom]Zügle dein Temperament!
Hold your horses! [coll.] [dated] [idiom]Immer mit der Ruhe! [Redewendung] [Nichts überstürzen!]
Hold your horses! [coll.] [dated] [idiom]Immer langsam mit den jungen Pferden! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom horses for coursesfür jede Gelegenheit das Passende
proverb horses for coursesfür jeden Topf den richtigen Deckel
3 Words: Verbs
equest. to bait the horses [now rare] [feed and water the horses, esp. during a journey]den Pferden Futter und Wasser geben [bes. während einer Reise]
equest. to bait the horses [now rare] [feed and water the horses, esp. during a journey]die Pferde füttern und tränken [bes. während einer Reise]
to hold one's horses [coll.] [dated] [idiom] [check one's enthusiasm, etc.]die Luft anhalten [ugs.] [Redewendung] [sich zurückhalten, stille sein, innehalten]
to hold one's horses [dated] [coll.] [idiom] [rein in one's enthusiasm]sichAkk. zurückhalten
3 Words: Nouns
relig. blessing of horsesPferdesegnung {f}
equest. transp. change of horsesPferdewechsel {m}
change of horsesWechsel {m} der Pferde
equest. famous Lippizaner horsesberühmte Lipizzanerhengste {pl}
headcollar for horsesPferdehalfter {n} {m}
herd of horsesPferdeherde {f}
horses and cartsPferdegespanne {pl}
horses at grassWeidepferde {pl}
equest. horses for saleVerkaufspferde {pl}
VetMed. laminitis in horsesHufrehe {f} [Pferdekrankheit]
VetMed. quittor (of horses)Hufknorpelfistel {f}
team of horsesPferdegespann {n}
equest. team of horsesZeugl {n} [ostösterr.]
comm. equest. trade in horses [commerce in horses]Pferdehandel {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to change horses (in) midstream [fig.](plötzlich) einen anderen Kurs einschlagen
to change horses (in) midstream [fig.]Pferde mitten im Fluss wechseln [aus einer Rede Abraham Lincolns]
to hitch up the horsesdie Pferde anspannen / vorspannen
to swap horses (in) midstream [fig.](plötzlich) einen anderen Kurs einschlagen
4 Words: Nouns
bet on the horsesPferdewette {f}
hist. transp. travel chaise and three horsesDreispänner {m}
herd of wild horsesWildpferdeherde {f}
5+ Words: Others
quote All the king's horses // And all the king's men // Couldn't put Humpty together again. [from nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty"]Und auch der König mit seinem Heer // rettete Humpty Dumpty nicht mehr. [aus dem Kinderreim: "Humpty Dumpty"]
idiom proverb If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. [coll.]Wenn das Wörtchen wenn nicht wär, wär mein Vater Millionär. [ugs.]
proverb One shouldn't change horses in midstream.Mitten im Strom soll man nicht die Pferde wechseln.
idiom Wild horses couldn't drag me there.Keine zehn Pferde bringen mich dahin.
5+ Words: Verbs
to drive a coach and (four / six) horses through sth. [coll.] [idiom]etw. komplett missachten [Gesetz, Vereinbarung]
to drive a coach and (four / six) horses through sth. [coll.] [idiom]etw. zunichte machen
to harness two horses to the cartden Wagen mit zwei Pferden bespannen
5+ Words: Nouns
carriage drawn by four horsesvierspännige Kutsche {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F A Time for Drunken Horses [Bahman Ghobadi]Zeit der trunkenen Pferde
film F All the Pretty Horses [novel: Cormac McCarthy, film: Billy Bob Thornton]All die schönen Pferde
film lit. F Out Stealing Horses [novel: Per Petterson, film: Hans Petter Moland]Pferde stehlen
lit. F Runaway Horses [Yukio Mishima]Unter dem Sturmgott
lit. F The Days Run away Like Wild Horses over the Hills [Charles Bukowski]Western Avenue
art F The Tower of Blue HorsesDer Turm der blauen Pferde [Franz Marc]
film F They Shoot Horses, Don't They? [Sydney Pollack]Nur Pferden gibt man den Gnadenschuß
lit. F Wild Horses [Dick Francis]Zügellos
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
equest. zool. T
zool. T
Ardenner {pl}
equest. zool. T
agr. zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2020-01-23: Seven horses
Q 2017-03-02: "To frighten the horses"
Q 2016-11-25: A retirement home for horses
A 2015-06-03: Would you have found out about this without your very personal interest in...
Q 2014-08-13: A.B. had a reputation of caring more for his horses than he had for his wi...
A 2012-09-03: Agree with Joanne. "Skin horses" were toy horses covered in real horse skin.
A 2012-07-31: What about: "Equestrianism, Horses / Reitsport, Pferde"?
A 2012-06-28: More likely: the young man and Lady Madeline are intent on raising horses ...
A 2012-03-22: Horses say neigh - do you not say nay? ;-)
A 2012-02-01: talking about horses
A 2011-11-18: MichaelK knows a lot about horses,
A 2011-11-04: mit Demonstrativpronomen: Are those cows or (are those) horses?
A 2011-11-04: What is in the picture? Is it cows or (is it) horses?
A 2011-10-13: Yes, all hobby horses are toy horses, but not all toy horses are hobby horses.
A 2011-10-13: http://overflowcreativity.blogspot.com/2010/12/ugly-toy-horses.html some...
A 2011-08-13: group of horses
A 2011-05-13: Susan Karches owns (buys and sells) race horses.
Q 2011-05-13: dabbling in horses
A 2011-04-15: Typo (15:29) +well-nigh+ - horses +neigh+ and MPs nay whenever they feel like it
A 2011-02-05: horses and stables

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