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English-German translation for: hostile
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Dictionary English German: hostile

Translation 1 - 50 of 76  >>

English German
ADJ   hostile | more hostile | most hostile
NOUN   a hostile | hostiles
SYNO   hostile | uncongenial | unfriendly
ADJ  hostil | hostiler | am hostilsten
hostiler | hostile | hostiles
hostilster | hostilste | hostilstes
hostile {adj}
hostile {adj}
hostile {adj}
hostile {adj}
hostile {adj}
hostile {adj}
hostile {adj}
hostile {adj}
hostile {adj}hostil [veraltet]
mil. hostile
Feind {m}
2 Words: Others
hostile (to sth.) {adj}feindselig (gegen etw.)
hostile (to sth.) {adj}feindlich gesinnt (gegen etw.)
hostile to sb./sth. {adj}jdm./etw. feind [veraltend, geh.] [feindlich gesinnt]
hostile towards sb./sth. {adj}feindselig gegenüber jdm./etw.
life-hostile {adj}lebensfeindlich
more hostile {adj}feindlicher
most hostile {adj}feindlichste
relig. Shiite-hostile {adj}schiitenfeindlich
user-hostile {adj}anwenderunfreundlich
user-hostile {adj}benutzerunfreundlich
2 Words: Nouns
hostile acquisitionfeindliche Übernahme {f}
hostile actionKriegshandlung {f}
archi. hostile architecturedefensive Architektur {f}
archi. hostile architectureobdachlosenfeindliche Architektur {f}
hostile environmentaggressive Umgebung {f}
hostile environmentfeindliche Umgebung {f}
hostile environmentfeindselige Umgebung {f}
hostile environmentraue Umgebung {f}
insur. hostile fireSchadenfeuer {n}
insur. hostile fireSchadensfeuer {n}
insur. hostile fireSchadfeuer {n} [selten]
hostile groupfeindliche Gruppierung {f}
mil. pol. hostile intent {sg}feindliche Absichten {pl}
hostile nationfeindliche Nation {f}
hostile powersfeindliche Mächte {pl}
hostile stanceablehnende Haltung {f}
hostile stancefeindliche Haltung {f}
econ. hostile takeoverfeindliche Übernahme {f}
mil. hostile territoryFeindgebiet {n}
law hostile witnessZeuge {m} des Gegners
law hostile witness [witness in a trial who testifies for the opposing party][Zeuge des jeweiligen Prozessgegners]
3 Words: Others
been hostile to {past-p}angefeindet
being hostile to {pres-p}anfeindend
friendly or hostilefreundlich oder feindlich gesinnt
hostile to children {adj} [postpos.]kinderfeindlich
hostile to foreigners {adj}ausländerfeindlich
hostile to foreigners {adj}fremdenfeindlich [ausländerfeindlich]
hostile to God {adj} [pred.]gottfeindlich
hostile to life {adj}lebensfeindlich
hostile to man {adj}menschenfeindlich [Gegend etc.]
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A 2014-07-20: hostile opposition
A 2014-07-20: hostile opposition
A 2011-02-26: nature portrayed as hostile?
A 2010-01-14: total loss from hostile fire
A 2010-01-14: Failure of (hostile) fire
Q 2008-04-15: Englisch text paper about hostile takeovers
Q 2005-10-18: we've encountered hostile activity
A 2004-03-13: Hostile storms were raging through the air

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