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English-German translation for: hotel-keeper
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Dictionary English German: hotel keeper

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NOUN   a hotel-keeper | hotel-keepers
comm. jobs hotel-keeperHotelbesitzer {m}
lit. F Summon the Keeper [Tanya Huff]Die Chroniken der Hüter 01. Hotel Elysium
Partial Matches
sports keeper [short for goalkeeper]Keeper {m} [bes. österr., schweiz.]
relig. Promise KeeperPromise Keeper {m} [Mitglied der Promise Keepers, einer evangelikalen Organisation]
to book in at / into a hotelim Hotel einchecken
to check in at / into a hotelim Hotel einchecken
to put up at a hotelin einem Hotel absteigen
to sign out of a hotelaus einem Hotel abreisen
math. Hilbert's paradox of the Grand HotelHilberts Hotel {n}
to stay at a hotelin einem Hotel übernachten
to check out of a hotelim Hotel auschecken
to head back to the hotelins Hotel zurückgehen
lit. F At Bertram's Hotel [Agatha Christie]Bertrams Hotel
lit. F The Blue Hotel [Stephen Crane]Das blaue Hotel
lit. F Here Stood A HotelHier stand ein Hotel [Vicki Baum]
film lit. F Grand Hotel [film: Edmund Goulding]Menschen im Hotel [Roman: Vicki Baum]
Hotel Mom [coll.] [Am.]Hotel Mama {n} [ugs.]
Hotel Mum [Br.] [coll.]Hotel Mama {n} [ugs.]
travel TrVocab. mid-price hotelHotel {n} der mittleren Preiskategorie
travel TrVocab. mid-priced hotelHotel {n} der mittleren Preisklasse
At last a hotel came into view.Schließlich sahen wir ein Hotel.
travel TrVocab. to be accommodated at a nice hotelin einem schönen Hotel untergebracht sein
gastr. travel German Hotel and Catering AssociationDeutscher Hotel- und Gaststättenverband {m} e. V. <DEHOGA>
jobs TrVocab. (hotel) bellman [Am.]Gepäckträger {m} im Hotel
travel family-owned hotelHotel {n} in Familienbesitz
travel TrVocab. five star hotelFünf-Sterne-Hotel {n}
privately run hotelprivat geführtes Hotel {n}
well-run hotelgut geführtes Hotel {n}
film F Hotel Rwanda [Terry George]Hotel Ruanda
film F Hotel Transylvania [Genndy Tartakovsky]Hotel Transsilvanien
at the hotel {adv}im Hotel
travel family operated hotelfamiliengeführtes Hotel {n}
travel family-owned hotelfamiliengeführtes Hotel {n}
travel family-run hotelfamiliengeführtes Hotel {n}
travel first-rate hotelausgezeichnetes Hotel {n}
floatel (floating hotel)schwimmendes Hotel {n}
flotel (floating hotel)schwimmendes Hotel {n}
educ. gastr. international hotel and tourism management <IHTM>internationales Hotel- und Tourismusmanagement {n} <IHTM>
cheap hotelschäbiges Hotel {n}
TrVocab. country hotelländliches Hotel {n}
travel eco-hotelBio-Hotel {n}
particular hotelbesonderes Hotel {n}
reasonable hotelpassables Hotel {n}
seedy hotelschäbiges Hotel {n}
gastr. temperance hotelalkoholfreies Hotel {n}
lit. F Hotel [Arthur Hailey]Hotel
TrVocab. midtown Manhattan hotelHotel {n} im Zentrum von Manhattan
idiom mil. H for Hotel [NATO phonetic alphabet]H wie Hotel [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
lit. F The Hotel New Hampshire [John Irving]Das Hotel New Hampshire
lit. F Hotel BerlinHotel Berlin [Vicki Baum]
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