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English-German translation for: household
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Dictionary English German: household

Translation 1 - 50 of 262  >>

English German
ADJ   household | - | -
NOUN   a household | households
SYNO   family | home | house | household ... 
household {adj} [attr.] [e.g. duties]
häuslich [Haushalts-; z. B. Pflichten]
household {adj} [attr.]
household {adj} [attr.]
household {adj} [familiar]allgemein bekannt
Haushalt {m}
household [house community]
Hausgemeinschaft {f}
Hausstand {m}
Wirtschaft {f} [Haushalt, Hauswirtschaft]
Privathaushalt {m}
Familie {f} [Hausgemeinschaft]
[the] household
Haushaltsangelegenheiten {pl}
[the] householdHauswesen {n}
householdHaushaltung {f} [geh.] [Haushalt]
2 Words: Others
common household {adj}haushaltsüblich
household-related {adj}haushaltsnah
2 Words: Nouns
(household) servant [female]Dienerin {f}
average householdDurchschnittshaushalt {m}
common householdhäusliche Gemeinschaft {f}
family householdFamilienhaushalt {m}
agr. sociol. farm householdlandwirtschaftlicher Haushalt {m}
household accessoriesHaushaltzubehör {n}
acc. household accountsHaushaltskonten {pl}
household activitiesHaushaltstätigkeiten {pl}
household activitieshäusliche Tätigkeiten {pl}
household activityHaushaltsaktivität {f}
household affairsHaushaltsangelegenheiten {pl}
household affairs {pl}Hauswesen {n}
household aidsHaushaltshilfen {pl}
household aidshaushaltliche Geräte {pl}
chem. household ammoniawässrige Ammoniaklösung {f}
household applianceHausgerät {n}
household applianceHaushaltsgerät {n}
household appliancesHaushaltsgeräte {pl}
household articleHaushaltsartikel {m}
educ. household arts {pl} [as cooking, sewing, baby care, concerned with the maintenance and care of a household]Hauswirtschaft {f} [Hauswirtschaftslehre]
household assistancehauswirtschaftliche Versorgung {f}
household bucketHaushaltseimer {m}
household budgetHaushaltsbudget {n}
fin. household budgetHaushaltskasse {f}
Household Cavalry [Br.]Hofreiterei {f}
chem. household chemicalsHaushaltschemikalien {pl}
household choreHausarbeit {f}
household choresHausarbeiten {pl}
household choresHaushaltspflichten {pl}
household coalHausbrandkohle {f}
econ. household consumptionHaushaltskonsum {m}
econ. household consumptionHaushaltsverbrauch {m}
econ. household consumptionPrivatkonsum {m}
econ. household consumptionPrivatverbrauch {m}
relig. household cultHauskult {m}
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A 2017-07-03: May be disposed of using the household paper recycling system.
Q 2017-06-18: their household rang with alleluias
A 2015-10-02: bei denen = in their household/in their family
A 2015-04-27: Couldn't resist: PRIVATE EYE is a household name in British satire http:/...
A 2014-12-29: http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/household/bedbugs.asp
A 2013-08-01: household name ...?
A 2013-07-01: Are you sure it is housewives/husbands who are being described as +household?+
A 2013-03-21: A single adult household could have any number of children :-)
A 2012-08-06: Not exactly a household word, but "Abreissquittung" would be understood.
A 2011-07-18: http://www.google.co.uk/#sclient=psy&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=626&source=hp&q=ho...
A 2011-06-13: So +The Prince+ must be royal household usage - he's a royal but like most...
A 2011-05-20: That (darn) black cat is dearly loved in our household.
A 2011-05-01: Doesn't need a Royal Household to live in the past...
A 2011-04-27: @ saluton, one household gets a fridge that would normally cost, say, 450 €
A 2011-02-27: Household governance
A 2011-02-27: Household governance?
A 2011-02-14: -applications? e.g. plastics applications, household applications, furnitu...
A 2011-02-14: how about household appliances for Hausgerätetechnik??
A 2010-09-14: Das Wortspiel geht im Englischen verloren, weil +household+ nicht an +budg...
A 2010-09-14: In the U.S. "do not pour into household drains, storm drains or ditches" o...

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