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English-German translation for: how many
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Dictionary English German: how many

Translation 1 - 10 of 10

English German
how manywie viele
how many times {adv}wievielmal [wie oft]
how many timeszum wievielten Mal
how many kinds ofwievielerlei
how many sorts ofwievielerlei
How many brothers and sisters have you got?Wie viele Brüder und Schwestern hast du?
How many children is that now?Das wievielte Kind ist das jetzt? [Wie viele Kinder sind das jetzt?]
How many of you are there?Zu wievielt seid ihr?
I'd be interested in knowing how many ...Mich würde interessieren, wie viele ...
lit. F The Wisdom of Crowds (Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations) [James Surowiecki]Die Weisheit der Vielen (Warum Gruppen klüger sind als Einzelne und wie wir das kollektive Wissen für unser wirtschaftliches, soziales und politisches Handeln nutzen können)
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A 2024-02-22: in 3. und 4. sind +How many people+ und +How many of you+ jeweils Subjekt ...
A 2022-09-01: I wonder how many of the 50 oldest unverified entries are mine
Q 2017-08-15: ad hominem argument - how many people understand this?
A 2017-05-05: Welches Ausmaß hat ein Waldanteil in Quadratmetern? > One (forest) plot ar...
Q 2017-02-08: How many speakers?
Q 2016-07-31: "how many times have we been here" or "how many times we have been here"
A 2016-01-10: How many forms?
A 2015-03-11: How many times do they say...
A 2014-12-05: Is a a matter of how many speakers a language has or of how many Wiki entr...
A 2014-07-13: How many did they eat?
A 2014-03-27: Translating Lebkuchen as well (how many English speakers would recognise l...
A 2013-12-12: How many are involved? I understand - also .... .... but it may be wrong.
A 2013-08-07: Your German sentence corresponds to +How many possible level supports are ...
A 2013-06-26: It means how many (bed)rooms and how many bathrooms the hotel(?) has, writ...
A 2013-04-29: Ever thought about how many pay for your social security?
Q 2013-04-27: How many entries can contain a single Vocabulary List?
A 2013-02-03: how many country tags do we need ? or none ?
Q 2013-01-23: How many Europeans know this?
A 2012-10-12: The gauge is not the same as the needle size, but how many stitches per in...
A 2012-06-18: +How many years' experience+ is also ok.

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