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English-German translation for: huge
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Dictionary English German: huge

Translation 1 - 50 of 149  >>

English German
ADJ   huge | huger | hugest
SYNO   Brobdingnagian | huge | immense ... 
huge {adj}
huge {adj}
huge {adj}
huge {adj}
huge {adj}
huge {adj}
huge {adj}
huge {adj}
huge {adj}
huge {adj}
Riesen- [ugs.]
huge {adj}
huge {adj}sehr groß
huge {adj}ungeheuer groß
huge {adj}von gewaltigem Ausmaß [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Others
absolutely huge {adj}wahnsinnig groß [ugs.]
huge-grown {adj}großgewachsen
huge-horned {adj}mit großen Hörnern [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
publ. (huge) tomeSchwarte {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [dickes Buch]
publ. (huge) tomeWälzer {m} [ugs.] [dickes Buch]
huge advantageRiesenvorteil {m} [ugs.]
huge amountriesige Menge {f}
huge amountungeheure Summe {f}
huge amountsriesige Mengen {pl}
huge appetiteRiesenappetit {m} [ugs.]
huge appetiteriesiger Appetit {m}
huge areasweite Gebiete {pl}
huge arsenalgewaltige Waffenkammer {f}
huge attractiongewaltige Anziehungskraft {f}
huge audienceungemein großes Publikum {n}
huge backloggewaltiger Rückstand {m}
huge barrelriesiges Fass {n}
huge beastgroßes Tier {n}
huge billhohe Rechnung {f}
huge blowheftiger Schlag {m}
huge blow [fig.]gewaltiger Schlag {m} [Schicksalsschlag]
huge blunderRiesenfehler {m}
huge boobs [coll.]Riesendinger {pl} [ugs.] [sehr große Brüste]
huge boobs [coll.]Riesentitten {pl} [vulg.] [sehr große Brüste]
huge boobs [sl.]Riesenmöpse {pl} [derb] [sehr große Brüste]
huge breasts {pl}Mordsbusen {m} [ugs.]
huge burdengewaltige Last {f}
huge campaigngroße Kampagne {f}
mil. huge casualtiesschwere Verluste {pl} [an Menschenleben]
huge circleenorm großer Kreis {m}
urban huge cityRiesenstadt {f}
huge cityriesige Stadt {f}
huge cost {sg}enorme Kosten {pl}
huge crowdMassenandrang {m}
huge crowdRiesenschar {f} [von Menschen]
huge curiosityimmense Neugier {f}
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A 2023-04-24: Another huge difference
A 2021-05-13: 14:12 By this token, +an huge+ would never do for whatever English speaker
Q 2021-05-13: a huge pile vs an huge pile
Q 2020-09-30: Huge self funding economic system making trillions pa
A 2017-03-25: Using captial letters where necessary would be a huge improvement.
A 2015-11-22: There was a huge / giant question mark on his face.
A 2015-07-02: Don't mess withTexas and their huge fire hoses!
A 2015-06-06: a huge thumb
A 2014-12-08: A huge thank you.
A 2014-10-30: Lately, I see more and more "we are huge fans of...."
A 2014-08-24: How would a traveler have gauged the weight of a huge boulder?
A 2013-09-26: even by any stretch of imagination I'd be unable to follow in those huge f...
A 2013-08-12: Huge Danke!
A 2013-01-19: gewinnreich > yielding rich pickings / profits; (sehr) gewinnreich > yield...
A 2012-04-29: "up a storm" simply means "with a huge amount of energy." Has nothing to d...
Q 2012-02-23: the general number of possibilities.... Huge?
A 2012-02-14: About 70 is still not a huge number of hits.
A 2011-12-25: impact is huge not limited .... can't see "starke" Lichtverschmutzu...
A 2011-12-20: Better put in +and+ ::: Despite its huge potential, marketability +and+ lo...
A 2011-10-10: First, it is located at a +highly frequented+ main street; second, a huge ...

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