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English-German translation for: human body
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Dictionary English German: human body

Translation 1 - 50 of 1984  >>

NOUN   a human body | human bodies
human bodyKorpus {m} [hier: menschlicher Körper]
human bodyMenschenleib {m}
human bodymenschlicher Körper {m}
Keywords contained
anat. human body model <HBM>Modell {n} des menschlichen Körpers
Partial Matches
med. VetMed. human respiratory syncytial virus <human RSV, HRSV>humanes respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus {n} <humanes RSV, HRSV>
med. human-to-human transmission <HHT>Mensch-zu-Mensch-Übertragung {f}
biol. fluorescent body <F-body>F-Body {m}
biol. fluorescent body <F-body>F-Körper {m} [selten] [F-Body]
human {adj}der Menschen [nachgestellt, wenn vorgestellt: poet.]
human {adj}des Menschen
human {adj}human
philos. human {adj}menschheitlich
human {adj}menschlich
humanMensch {m}
humanZweibeiner {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Mensch]
co-human {adj}mitmenschlich
ecol. human ecological {adj}humanökologisch
ecol. human-caused {adj}anthropogen
human-caused {adj}menschgemacht
human-induced {adj}menschgemacht [vom Menschen verursacht]
human-induced {adj}vom Menschen ausgelöst
human-induced {adj}vom Menschen verursacht
human-like {adj}menschenähnlich
tech. human-powered {adj}muskelkraftbetrieben
human-readable {adj}für Menschen lesbar
human-readable {adj}in Klarschrift [nachgestellt]
human-readable {adj}menschenlesbar
human-readable {adj}visuell lesbar
more human {adj}menschlicher
most human {adj}menschlichste
non-human {adj}außermenschlich
non-human {adj}nichtmenschlich
pre-human {adj}vormenschlich
universally human {adj}allgemeinmenschlich
med. (human) colostrumErstmilch {f} [Kolostrum]
(human) skinSchwarte {f} [ugs.] [salopp] [menschliche Haut]
becoming humanMenschwerdung {f}
being humanMenschsein {n}
fellow humanMitmensch {m}
philos. sociol. human abyssesmenschliche Abgründe {pl}
human actionmenschliches Handeln {n}
human activitymenschliches Handeln {n}
med. human aflatoxicosisAflatoxikose {f} beim Menschen
philos. human agencymenschliches Handeln {n}
anat. med. human anatomyAnatomie {f} des Menschen
anat. med. human anatomyHumananatomie {f}
human anatomymenschliche Anatomie {f}
human assets {pl}Humanpotential {n}
human assets {pl}Humanpotenzial {n}
human beingMensch {m}
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A 2013-05-31: ony about 10% of a human body is human
A 2012-07-28: They're really talking about the cells in the human body
A 2009-01-12: Ich meine, wenn Du einmal Dein "human body outline" und dann den Rest wie ...
Q 2008-12-30: Human Body
A 2008-05-25: the tangible (element/side) of the human body
A 2007-08-29: LINKs; > surgery on the human body
Q 2007-06-14: programmed human body
A 2003-12-19: verb: 'to inject' medication/drugs into something ( e.g. human body) or so...

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