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Dictionary English German: human rights

Translation 1 - 50 of 1080  >>

human rightsMenschenrechte {pl}
Keywords contained
law pol. human rights abuseMenschenrechtsverletzung {f}
law human rights abusesMenschenrechtsverstöße {pl}
pol. human rights activistMenschenrechtler {m}
pol. human rights activistMenschenrechtsaktivist {m}
pol. human rights advocateMenschenrechtsanwalt {m}
pol. human rights advocateMenschenrechtskämpfer {m}
pol. human rights campaignerMenschenrechtler {m}
pol. human rights campaignerMenschenrechtskämpfer {m}
law human rights codeMenschenrechtskodex {m}
human rights commissionMenschenrechtskommission {f}
pol. human rights committeeMenschenrechtsausschuss {m}
pol. Human Rights CouncilMenschenrechtsrat {m}
Human Rights DayTag {m} der Menschenrechte
pol. human rights dialogueMenschenrechtsdialog {m}
human rights expertMenschenrechtsexperte {m}
pol. human rights groupMenschenrechtsgruppe {f}
pol. human rights groupMenschenrechtsgruppierung {f} [seltener für: Menschenrechtsgruppe]
law human rights instrumentsMenschenrechtsinstrumente {pl}
law pol. human rights issueMenschenrechtsfrage {f}
pol. human rights issuesMenschenrechtsthemen {pl}
pol. human rights movementMenschenrechtsbewegung {f}
pol. human rights observerMenschenrechtsbeobachter {m}
pol. human rights organizationMenschenrechtsorganisation {f}
law pol. human rights perspectiveMenschenrechtsperspektive {f}
pol. human rights policyMenschenrechtspolitik {f}
human rights recordMenschenrechtsbilanz {f}
law pol. human rights situationMenschenrechtssituation {f}
pol. human rights standardMenschenrechtsstandard {m}
law human rights treatiesMenschenrechtsverträge {pl}
law pol. human rights violationMenschenrechtsverletzung {f}
law pol. human rights violationsMenschenrechtsverletzungen {pl}
law Human Rights Act [Br.]Menschenrechtsgesetz {n}
pol. human rights activist [female]Menschenrechtlerin {f}
pol. human rights activist [female]Menschenrechtsaktivistin {f}
pol. human rights advocate [female]Menschenrechtsanwältin {f}
pol. human rights campaigner [female]Menschenrechtlerin {f}
pol. human rights campaigner [female]Menschenrechtskämpferin {f}
human rights expert [female]Menschenrechtsexpertin {f}
pol. human rights organisation [Br.]Menschenrechtsorganisation {f}
pol. to advocate for human rightssich für Menschenrechte einsetzen
to trample on human rightsMenschenrechte mit Füßen treten
law pol. abuse of human rightsMenschenrechtsverletzung {f}
abuse of human rightsMissbrauch {m} der Menschenrechte
law pol. catalogue of human rightsMenschenrechtskatalog {m}
pol. Charter of Human RightsMenschenrechtscharta {f}
Commission on Human RightsMenschenrechtskommission {f}
jobs law pol. Commissioner for Human RightsMenschenrechtskommissar {m}
law concept of human rightsMenschenrechtsbegriff {m} [Begriff der Menschenrechte]
condition of human rightsMenschenrechtslage {f}
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A 2015-06-15: human rights may be a factor to be balanced against other factors
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A 2013-12-03: In spite of glibly invoking human rights, European policy makers cannot do...
A 2013-05-04: Their commitment to democracy and human rights
A 2012-02-11: If he has decided to study international human rights law,
A 2011-03-17: ... respect for other cultures AND about human rights.
A 2010-10-06: human rights
A 2009-09-11: relations with states that violate human rights should be discontinued
A 2009-05-14: ...where human rights are not given the same priority as in Europe.
A 2009-05-14: to respect human rights.
A 2008-06-28: body of human rights
A 2007-05-12: Equal "access to justice" is a right under human rights legislation
A 2007-03-28: Throughout the fighting, all parties were guilty of/committed grave violat...
A 2006-10-29: Human Rights Watch ...
A 2006-09-28: Well, what's the difference between the Kyrgyz and the Kazakh human rights...
Q 2006-06-24: various international human rights conventions
A 2006-06-17: Yes, that's the person! The translation of the noun would be "violation of...
A 2006-03-15: (female) human rights observer, UN High Commission
A 2006-01-29: Human rights

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