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English-German translation for: hundreds
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Dictionary English German: hundreds

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

English German
NOUN   a hundred | hundreds
2 Words
in hundreds {adv}hundertweise
educ. math. hundreds chartHundertertafel {f}
educ. math. hundreds squareHundertertafel {f}
3 Words
hundreds of times {adv} [coll.]x-mal [ugs.]
Hundreds, nay thousands.Hunderte, ja Tausende.
to come in hundredszu Hunderten kommen
hundreds (upon hundreds)Aberhunderte {pl} [geh.]
gastr. hundreds and thousands [Br.]Liebesperlen {pl}
gastr. hundreds and thousands [Br.] [Aus.] [NZ] <100's & 1000's>Zuckerperlen {pl} [auch Liebesperlen, Liebesperlchen]
gastr. hundreds and thousands [cake decoration]Zuckerperlchen {pl}
hundreds of thousandsHunderttausende {pl}
hundreds of yearsJahrhunderte {pl}
4 Words
for hundreds of years {adv}jahrhundertelang
for hundreds of years {adv}seit Jahrhunderten
hundreds of years old {adj}jahrhundertealt
5+ Words
(many) hundreds of years old {adj} [often postpos.]vielhundertjährig
by the hundreds of thousands {adv}zu Hunderttausenden
to stretch out for hundreds of kilometressich über Hunderte von Kilometern hinziehen
comm. econ. fin. hundreds of millions of lossesVerluste {pl} in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe
comm. econ. fin. losses running into hundreds of millionsVerluste {pl} in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe
several hundreds of millions of dollarsmehrere hundert Millionen Dollar {pl}
several hundreds of such systemsmehrere Hundert {pl} solcher Systeme
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A 2023-02-04: Ditto +im Schlamm stecken bleiben+ experienced by hundreds of thousands du...
A 2017-02-26: @Jim46 - Well, there are at least hundreds of transitive verbs w/o objects ...
A 2016-11-22: There are hundreds of types of lace
A 2014-04-07: I meant to write +hundreds of centuries+ :-)
Q 2013-11-27: hundreds of millions - Hunderte Millionen Menschen?
Q 2011-02-01: Equal opportunity? Surveys suggest that less than 15 percent of the online...
A 2010-01-03: We, the authors, are skilled painting teachers who have not only done hund...
Q 2009-12-31: dear everybody, right now you'll be getting hundreds of these
A 2009-08-08: Max Knight translated hundreds of Galgenlieder
A 2009-03-30: 100e *bis* 1000e: hundreds, if not thousands of (whatever)
A 2009-03-30: hundreds up to thousands
A 2009-02-25: How can an +office+ say anything at all? Has journalese brainwashed hundre...
Q 2008-12-15: There must be hundreds of ways to (do something)
A 2008-06-16: This sort of amount is normally refered to as hundreds of millions
Q 2008-04-25: Hundreds of Thousands of Microsoft Web Servers Hacked
A 2008-02-25: it IS hard to tell, as its all in capitals, but there are hundreds of inst...
A 2007-12-13: Google comes up with hundreds of +LED+ cases as against a few +design-led+...
A 2007-07-21: I've got hundreds of them in the last two weeks :((
A 2007-02-23: HUNdreds of JERRYiatric links
A 2006-10-30: damage running into hundreds of millions

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hundreds of thousands
hundreds of times
hundreds of years
hundreds of years old
hundreds square

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