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English-German translation for: hunt
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Dictionary English German: hunt

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NOUN   a hunt | hunts
VERB  to hunt | hunted | hunted ... 
SYNO   Hunt | James Henry Leigh Hunt ... 
NOUN   der Hunt | die Hunte
to hunt (sb./sth.)
(jdn./etw.) jagen
to hunt sb./sth.
jdn./etw. suchen [jagen, z. B. Verbrecher]
to hunt sb./sth.
jdn./etw. verfolgen [jagen]
to hunt sb.
jdm. nachstellen
to hunt
hunting to hunt
hunting to hunt sth.auf etw.Akk. Jagd machen
hunting hunt
Jagd {f}
Hetzjagd {f}
mining tram
Hunt {m}
Suche {f}
Hetze {f}
hunting hunt [shoot, battue]
Treibjagd {f}
hunting hunt [Am.]
Jagdrevier {n} [eines Jägers]
mining cocopan [esp. S.Afr.]Hunt {m}
huntKesseltreiben {n}
2 Words: Verbs
comm. to bargain hunt sth.etw.Akk. zum Schnäppchenpreis ergattern [ugs.]
comm. to bargain-huntauf Schnäppchenjagd gehen
hunting to bow-huntmit Pfeil und Bogen jagen
to hunt (for) sb./sth.nach jdm./etw. forschen
to hunt for sb./sth.nach jdm./etw. fahnden
to hunt for sth.nach etw.Dat. suchen
to hunt outaufstöbern
to hunt outhinausjagen
to hunt sb. downjdn. zur Strecke bringen [Redewendung]
to hunt sb./sth. downauf jdn./etw. Jagd machen
to hunt up sb./sth.jdn./etw. aufspüren
2 Words: Nouns
hunting bear huntBärenjagd {f} [einzelne Jagd]
hunting beaver huntBiberjagd {f} [einzelne Jagd]
hunting boar huntSauhatz {f}
bounty huntKopfgeldjagd {f}
hunting buffalo huntBüffeljagd {f} [einzelne Jagd]
sports championship huntTiteljagd {f}
hunting deer huntHirschjagd {f}
hunting deer huntRotwildjagd {f}
desperate hunterbitterte Jagd {f}
equest. hunting Unverified drag huntReitjagd {f}
hunting drive huntTreibjagd {f}
hunting drive hunt [with slow moving]Drückjagd {f} [langsames Scheuchen in Richtung Schussfeld der Schützen]
hunting driven huntBewegungsjagd {f} [Sammelbegriff für Treibjagd, Drückjagd, Stöberjagd]
hunting driving (hunt) [battue]Treiben {n} [Treibjagd]
egg huntEiersuche {f}
hunting elephant huntElefantenjagd {f}
flat hunt [coll.]Wohnungssuche {f}
hunting fox huntFuchsjagd {f} [einzelne Jagd]
mil. free hunt [fighter sweep]Freie Jagd {f} [Luftwaffe]
ghost huntGeisterjagd {f}
hunting goose huntGänsejagd {f} [einzelne Jagd]
hunting hare huntHasenjagd {f} [einzelne Jagd]
equest. hunting Unverified horseback huntReitjagd {f}
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Q 2021-07-30: snipe hunt
A 2017-03-05: Hunt and peck
A 2014-11-14: game .... hunter / hunt reden sie im Sinne der Jägersprache ...... ?...
Q 2013-10-16: Is this sentence correct and does it sound good? "... makes the flat hunt easy!"
A 2013-07-27: to browse in / look through a library : to hunt for s.th. (e.g. references...
A 2012-11-04: Treasure hunt is a well-established phrase,
Q 2012-11-04: treasure quest or hunt
A 2012-11-04: They are assisting him in his treasure hunt.
A 2012-11-04: They help him with/on his treasure hunt.
A 2012-10-04: hunt/fish
Q 2011-04-16: swept up in a hunt-and-peck
A 2010-07-08: you can hunt something in different ways
A 2010-02-05: to have someone hunt and locate something (not necessarily an object, migh...
A 2009-05-15: http://www.thehulltruth.com/boating-forum/221513-sea-hunt-gamefish-tuna-tr...
Q 2008-12-09: the economy of hunt
A 2008-01-16: job hunt
Q 2008-01-16: job hunt
A 2007-12-30: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22+to+go+to+ground%22+dog+hunt&btn...
A 2006-09-17: ...hunt throughout the house.
Q 2006-07-22: in hunt for

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