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English-German translation for: hybrid
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Dictionary English German: hybrid

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ADJ   hybrid | more hybrid | most hybrid
NOUN   a hybrid | hybrids
SYNO   hybrid | intercrossed | cross ... 
ADJ  hybrid | hybrider | am hybridesten ... 
NOUN   das/der Hybrid | die Hybride
SYNO   hybrid | zwitterhaft | Bastard [derb] ... 
hubristic {adj}
hybrid [geh.] [hochmütig]
hybrid {adj}
hybrid {adj}
Mischform {f}
biol. hybrid
Kreuzung {f} [Rasse]
Kombination {f}
biol. hybrid
Zwitter {m}
biol. hybrid
Mischling {m} [Kreuzung]
Mischung {f}
biol. hybrid
Bastard {m}
biol. hybrid
Verbindung {f}
Hybrid {m} {n}
biol. hybrid
Hybride {f} [auch {m}]
2 Words: Nouns
biol. cytoplasmic hybridcytoplasmatischer Hybrid {m}
biol. cytoplasmic hybridzytoplasmatischer Hybrid {m}
tech. hybrid absorberHybridabsorber {m} [auch: Hybrid-Absorber]
travel hybrid airlinehybride Fluggesellschaft {f}
tech. tools hybrid apparatusHybridvorrichtung {f}
biol. hybrid breedingHybridzucht {f}
agr. hort. zool. hybrid breedingHybridzüchtung {f}
automot. hybrid carHybridauto {n}
automot. hybrid carHybridfahrzeug {n}
chem. electr. hybrid catalystHybridkatalysator {m}
biol. hybrid cellHybridzelle {f}
material hybrid ceramics {pl}Hybridkeramik {f}
tech. hybrid chuck [clamping device]Hybridfutter {n} [Spannmittel]
telecom. hybrid circuitGabelschaltung {f}
electr. hybrid circuit <HC>Hybridschaltkreis {m}
electr. hybrid circuit <HC>Hybridschaltung {f}
electr. hybrid circuit <HC>hybride Schaltung {f}
tech. hybrid componentHybridbauteil {n}
comp. hybrid computerHybridrechner {m}
comp. hybrid computerAnalog-Digital-Rechner {m}
myth. relig. hybrid creatureMischwesen {n}
hybrid cryptosystemhybrides Kryptosystem {n}
dent. hybrid denture [overlay denture]Hybridprothese {f} [Deckprothese]
tech. hybrid driveHybridantrieb {m}
automot. hybrid engineHybridmotor {m}
hybrid financingMischfinanzierung {f}
hybrid formsMischformen {pl}
electr. tech. hybrid generatorHybridgenerator {m}
biochem. hybrid helixHybridhelix {f}
optics hybrid imageHybridbild {n}
med. hybrid immunityHybridimmunität {f}
comp. hybrid languageHybridsprache {f}
ling. hybrid languageMischsprache {f}
tech. hybrid laserHybrid-Laser {m}
educ. hybrid learningintegriertes Lernen {n}
rail hybrid locomotiveHybridlokomotive {f}
rail hybrid locomotiveZweikraftlokomotive {f}
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A 2016-02-20: Cf. +minced swear words+ and +hybrid swear words+
A 2015-04-05: Ja, Röhre wird ugs. für alle diese Geräte verwendet (CT, MR, PET usw. und ...
A 2012-08-29: hybrid Slate-Laptop
A 2011-07-14: also ein Skyscraper-/Groundscraper-Hybrid
Q 2011-01-21: Hybrid Rep (=representative) model - gibt es das auf Deutsch???
Q 2010-12-29: the second half of the hybrid genre
A 2009-05-04: combustion science \ +combustology+ is an awkward Latin-Greek hybrid
A 2009-03-19: okay, a hybrid....given the locations.....the bulk of revenues
A 2009-02-13: Alack and alas, +audiology+ (a Graeco-Latin bastard or hybrid) is current ...
A 2008-06-19: hybrid teas, shrub/bush roses , climbers, standard roses
A 2008-03-16: me too....plumped for a hybrid of your suggestions 'took integration one s...
Q 2008-01-03: Autoshow Detroit, TOYOTA A-BAT HYBRID PICKUP TRUCK CONCEPT, Satz richtig ü...
Q 2008-01-02: Autoshow Detroit, TOYOTA A-BAT HYBRID PICKUP TRUCK CONCEPT, „high-tech ga...
Q 2008-01-02: Autoshow Detroit, TOYOTA A-BAT HYBRID PICKUP TRUCK CONCEPT, "commercial/bu...
Q 2007-12-20: Text über SATURN VUE GREEN LINE (HYBRID), Detroit Auto Show, unbekannte Fo...
Q 2007-12-20: Text über SATURN VUE GREEN LINE (HYBRID), Detroit Auto Show, unbekannte Fo...
Q 2007-12-20: Text über SATURN VUE GREEN LINE (HYBRID), Detroit Auto Show, unbekannte F...
Q 2007-12-20: Text über SATURN VUE GREEN LINE (HYBRID), Detroit Auto Show, unbekannte Fo...
A 2007-09-09: a hybrid then...has their mutual consent?
A 2005-09-09: BEG TO DIFFER: A hybrid situation between levels one and two crops up

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