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English-German translation for: hydro-inflation
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Dictionary English German: hydro inflation

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hydro-inflationFlüssigkeitsfüllung {f}
hydro-inflationWasserfüllung {f}
Partial Matches
econ. strategy for fighting inflationStrategie {f} zur Bekämpfung der Inflation
fin. to inflation-proof sth.etw.Akk. vor Inflation schützen
econ. to bring down the inflation ratedie Inflation dämpfen
econ. to contain inflationdie Inflation in Grenzen halten
to hedge against inflationsich vor Inflation sichern
acad. educ. inflation of educationInflation {f} der Bildung [Bildungsinflation]
econ. to contain inflationdie Inflation niedrig halten
econ. to fight inflationgegen die Inflation ankämpfen
econ. runaway inflationaußer Kontrolle geratene Inflation {f}
econ. spiraling inflation [Am.]schnell wachsende Inflation {f}
econ. to adjust for inflationdie Inflation ausgleichen
econ. to bring inflation downdie Inflation senken
to bring inflation updie Inflation steigern
acceleration of inflationBeschleunigung {f} der Inflation
econ. fin. curbing of inflationEindämmung {f} der Inflation
deceleration of inflationVerlangsamung {f} der Inflation
econ. effects of inflationAuswirkungen {pl} der Inflation
hedge against inflationAbsicherung {f} gegen Inflation
hedge against inflationSicherheit {f} gegen Inflation
policy of inflationPolitik {f} der Inflation
process of inflationVerlauf {m} der Inflation
roots of inflationUrsachen {pl} der Inflation
spread of inflationAusbreitung {f} der Inflation
theory of inflationTheorie {f} der Inflation
econ. to boost inflationdie Inflation anheizen
econ. to combat inflationdie Inflation bekämpfen
econ. to contain inflationdie Inflation aufhalten
econ. to control inflationdie Inflation dämpfen
econ. to correct inflationdie Inflation ausgleichen
econ. to curb inflationdie Inflation bremsen
econ. to halt inflationdie Inflation stoppen
econ. to tame inflationdie Inflation bremsen
acad. educ. educational inflationInflation {f} der Bildung
fin. cost-push inflationkosteninduzierte Inflation {f}
bottleneck inflationsektorielle Inflation {f}
camouflaged inflationversteckte Inflation {f}
astron. phys. cosmic inflationkosmologische Inflation {f}
astron. phys. cosmological inflationkosmologische Inflation {f}
creeping inflationkriechende Inflation {f}
creeping inflationschleichende Inflation {f}
disguised inflationversteckte Inflation {f}
expected inflationerwartete Inflation {f}
econ. galloping inflationgaloppierende Inflation {f}
hidden inflationversteckte Inflation {f}
econ. moderate inflationleichte Inflation {f}
econ. rampant inflationgaloppierende Inflation {f}
econ. fin. rampant inflationungezügelte Inflation {f}
repressed inflationunterdrückte Inflation {f}
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