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English-German translation for: hypoglycemic coma
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: hypoglycemic coma

Translation 1 - 70 of 70

med. hypoglycemic coma [Am.]hypoglykämisches Koma {n}
Partial Matches
med. hypoglycemic {adj} [Am.]hypoglykämisch
med. hypoglycemic {adj} [Am.]unterzuckert
pharm. oral hypoglycemic agents [Am.]orale Antidiabetika {pl}
med. comaComa {n} [Rsv.]
astron. comaGas- und Staubhülle {f} eines Kometen
med. optics comaKoma {n}
med. comatiefe Bewusstlosigkeit {f}
med. artificial comakünstliches Koma {n}
med. cerebral comazerebrales Koma {n}
med. coma castKomazylinder {m}
astron. Coma ClusterComa-Galaxienhaufen {m}
med. coma patientKomapatient {m}
med. coma stateKomazustand {m} [z. B. Hypnose, Somnambulismus]
astron. Coma SuperclusterComa-Superhaufen {m}
med. coma vigilWachkoma {n}
comet comaKometenkoma {f}
cometary comaKometenkoma {f}
med. deep comaTiefkoma {n}
med. diabetic comadiabetisches Koma {n}
med. dyspeptic comadyspeptisches Koma {n}
med. hepatic comahepatisches Koma {n}
med. hyperosmolar comahyperosmolares Koma {n}
med. hypophyseal comahypophysäres Koma {n}
med. induced comakünstliches Koma {n}
med. insulin comaInsulinkoma {n}
med. ketoacidotic comaketoazidotisches Koma {n}
med. pyloric comapylorisches Koma {n}
med. thyrotoxic comaBasedow-Koma {n}
med. thyrotoxic comathyreotoxisches Koma {n}
med. vigilant comavigiles Koma {n}
med. vigilant comaWachkoma {n}
carb coma [coll.][Müdigkeit nach kohlenhydratreichem Essen]
med. psych. carb coma [coll.]Mittagstief {n} [ugs.] [postprandiale Somnolenz]
comet's comaKometenkoma {f}
food coma [coll.]Fresskoma {n} [ugs.]
med. hyperglycaemic coma [Br.]hyperglykämisches Koma {n}
med. hyperglycemic coma [Am.]hyperglykämisches Koma {n}
med. hypoglycaemic coma [Br.]hypoglykämisches Koma {n}
med. myxedema coma [Am.]Myxödemkoma {n}
med. myxoedema coma [Br.]Myxödemkoma {n}
med. uraemic coma [Br.]urämisches Koma {n}
med. uremic coma [Am.]urämisches Koma {n}
med. lactic acid comalaktatazidotisches Koma {n}
astron. Coma Berenices <Com> [constellation]Haar {n} der Berenike [Sternbild]
med. coma position [recovery position]stabile Seitenlage {f}
med. vigil coma [Coma vigile]Wachkoma {n}
med. Glasgow Coma Scale <GCS>Glasgow-Koma-Skala {f} [auch: Glasgow Coma Scale]
post-meal coma [coll.]Suppenkoma {n} [ugs.]
post-meal coma [rare]Mittagstief {n} [ugs.]
med. to be in a comaim Koma liegen
to go into a comains Koma fallen
med. to go into a comakomatös werden
to lapse into a comains Koma fallen
food coma [coll.] [postprandial somnolence]Mittagstief {n} [ugs.]
psych. food coma [coll.] [postprandial somnolence]Schnitzelkoma {n} [ugs.]
med. hyperglycaemic nonketotic coma <HNK> [Br.]hyperglykämisches nichtketotisches Koma {n} <HNK>
med. hyperglycemic nonketotic coma <HNK> [Am.]hyperglykämisches nichtketotisches Koma {n} <HNK>
med. coma of unknown origin <CUO>Koma {n} unklarer Genese
med. to come out of a comaaus dem Koma erwachen
med. to get out of (a) comaaus dem Koma erwachen
food coma [coll.] [drowsiness after eating]Suppenkoma {n} [ugs.]
food coma [coll.] [post-meal coma]Futternarkose {f} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Suppenkoma (Mittagstief)]
med. Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale <PGCS> [Br.]Pädiatrische Glasgow-Koma-Skala {f}
med. Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale <PGCS> [Am.]Glasgow-Koma-Skala {f} für Kinder
med. Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale <PGCS> [Am.]Pädiatrische Glasgow-Koma-Skala {f}
med. to place / put sb. in an artificial comajdn. in ein künstliches Koma versetzen [seltener österr.]
med. to place / put sb. in an artificial comajdn. in künstlichen Tiefschlaf versetzen [bes. österr.]
astron. coma [envelope around the nucleus of a comet]Koma {f} [Gas- und Staubhülle eines Kometen]
RadioTV F Son of a Coma Guy [House season 3]Koma-Mann & Sohn
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