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English-German translation for: i. H.
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Dictionary English German: i H

Translation 1 - 12 of 12


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meteo. heat index <HI, H.I.>Hitzeindex {m} <HI>
id est <i.e.>das heißt <d. h.>
that is <id est, i.e.>das heißt <d. h.>
in other words <i.e.>das heißt <d. h.>
on the premises {adv}im Hause <i. H.>
med. VetMed. hypoxia-ischaemia <HI, H/I> [Br.]Hypoxie-Ischämie {f} <HI, H/I>
med. VetMed. hypoxia-ischemia <HI, H/I> [Am.]Hypoxie-Ischämie {f} <HI, H/I>
in the amount ofin Höhe von <i. H. v.>
to the tune ofin Höhe von <i. H. v.>
amounting to {adj} [postpos.]in Höhe von <i. H. v.> [nachgestellt]
in the amount of {adv}in der Höhe von <i. d. H. v.> [Betrag]
film F The Secret of NIMH / The Secret of N.I.M.H. [Don Bluth]Mrs. Brisby und das Geheimnis von Nimh
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A 2024-02-06: I have another idea, more later
A 2023-04-27: Karate machen is what I hear here, Google has plenty of results too.
A 2023-03-29: I hope you don't mind the eyesore-format.
A 2022-06-26: I see. Thanks. I had not noticed.
A 2022-02-17: @ Windfall: No, I haven't heard or used 'equiwide' before either
Q 2021-05-11: If I had wished for something else it would have come true
A 2021-04-08: I have more difficulty managing stress (than others).
A 2021-02-28: That's what I have finally written. Thanks to all!
A 2020-11-10: I hijacked a thread, my bad
A 2020-11-04: gemeint ist hier: I had no longer the reins in my hands, the reins slipped...
A 2020-10-12: Personally, I love hearing unusual pronunciations. I have learnt to regret...
A 2020-09-12: talking the talk... sounds good, I have heard this before
Q 2020-08-11: I hesitate to ask you but ...
A 2020-05-02: "I have been living here all my life" versus "I have lived here all my life"
A 2020-02-28: (a) I have never been deprived of my right to run / operate a business by ...
A 2019-11-08: I have asked Paul to delete all of these 25 or so spams himself.
Q 2019-09-12: Again and again I hear the argument "doesn't make sense to me" when voting...
A 2019-07-08: I hope the thinking is still done in-house at dpa ;)
A 2019-06-16: I have played in a band for many years, which shows...
Q 2019-06-15: if I had wanted to work there

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