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English-German translation for: i. R.
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Dictionary English German: i R

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jobs retired {adj} <ret. / retd.>im Ruhestand <i. R.> [nachgestellt]
retired {adj} <ret., retd.>in Ruhe <i. R.> [nachgestellt] [im Ruhestand]
Rest in peace. <R.I.P.> [idiom]Ruhe sanft.
generally {adv} [normally]in der Regel <i. d. R.>
normally {adv}in der Regel <i. d. R.>
ordinarily {adv}in der Regel <i. d. R.>
usually {adv} <usu.>in der Regel <i. d. R.>
as a rule {adv}in der Regel <i. d. R.>
as a general rule {adv}in der Regel <i. d. R.>
nine times out of ten {adv} [idiom]in der Regel <i. d. R.>
Rest in Peace <R.I.P.>Ruhe in Frieden
mil. intelligence and reconnaissance <I & R>Aufklärung und Erkundung
tech. process and instrumentation diagram <P&ID>Rohrleitungs- und Instrumentenfließschema {n} <R&I-Fließschema, R+I-Fließschema, R&I-Schema, R&I-Diagramm, R+I-Fließbild>
by order and for account of sb./sth. {adv}im Auftrag und für Rechnung <i. A. u. f. R.> [+Gen.]
by order and for account of sb./sth. {adv}im Auftrag und für Rechnung <i. A. u. f. R.> von jdm./etw.
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews <INRI> [Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum]Jesus von Nazareth {m}, der Juden König <I. N. R. I.>
bibl. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews <I.N.R.I.>Jesus von Nazareth, König der Juden <I.N.R.I.>
Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects <F.R.I.B.A.>Mitglied {n} des Königlichen Institutes der Britischen Architekten
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A 2023-10-20: @MichaelK: it's not a myth. I recently watched a couple of episodes of "Sh...
A 2023-06-08: I recommend the earlier Gruffalo books (for approximately 2 to 6 year olds)
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A 2023-03-02: Teadrinker, I really think you don’t understand the problem at all.
A 2023-01-20: OED I reserve myself ich halt mich zurück
A 2022-12-01: I redid my question, does that work
A 2022-09-25: I re-opened it with the original entry.
Q 2021-02-06: How can I report faulty audio recordings?
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A 2019-11-15: My legal quals? I read law in Austria, Germany and at the London School of...
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A 2019-10-26: @ MichaelK: up to 5 or 10 45" records, I believe. 33" didn't work oder nob...
A 2019-05-25: Fazit: *M i r i s t n i c h t m e h r z u h e l f e n (grins).*
A 2019-03-22: I read it as +eine Anzahl+ with a hyphen after the n.
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A 2018-12-04: I read some of the text on Dingtag
A 2018-07-30: I remember, back in the 80ies, Apple used to name these guys "evangelists".

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