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English-German translation for: ill
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Dictionary English German: ill

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ADJ1   ill | more ill | most ill
ADJ2   ill | iller | illest
NOUN1   an ill | ills
NOUN2   the Ill [river; in capital letters: ILL] | -
SYNO   ill | sick | badly | ill | ailment ... 
NOUN   die Ill [Fluss] | -
med. ill {adj}
ill {adj} {adv} [bad]
schlecht [übel, schädlich]
ill {adj} {adv}
ill {adj}
ill {adj} {adv}
ill {adj} [sl.] [cool]
cool [ugs.]
publ. illustration <ill.>
Abbildung {f} <Abb.>
Missstand {m}
geogr. Ill [in capital letters: ILL] [river in Alsace]Ill {f} [in Großbuchstaben: ILL] [Fluss im Elsass]
geogr. Ill [in capital letters: ILL] [river in Vorarlberg (Austria)]Ill {f} [in Großbuchstaben: ILL] [Fluss in Vorarlberg]
geogr. Ill [river in Alsace]Jll {f} [Rsv.] [Fluss im Elsass]
2 Words: Others
boding ill {adj} [postpos.]Unheil drohend
med. chronically ill {adj}chronisch krank
dangerously ill {adj}ernsthaft krank
deathly ill {adj}todkrank
deathly ill {adj}todsterbenskrank [ugs.]
fallen ill {past-p}erkrankt
falling ill {adj}erkrankend
fatally ill {adj}sterbenskrank
fatally ill {adj}todkrank
gravely ill {adj}schwer krank [auch: schwerkrank]
ill humoured {adj} [Br.]missgestimmt
ill off {adj} [dated]unversorgt
ill off {adj} [dated]schwach bei Kasse [ugs.]
ill smelling {adj}übelriechend
ill smelling {adj}übel riechend
ill-advised {adj}unbedacht
ill-advised {adj}unklug
ill-advised {adj}unüberlegt
ill-advised {adj}unvernünftig
ill-advised {adj}schlecht beraten
ill-advised {adj}übel beraten
ill-advisedly {adv}unüberlegterweise
ill-advisedly {adv}unvernünftigerweise
ill-affected {adj}böse gesinnt
ill-begotten {adj} [gains, profit]illegal [Gewinn]
ill-behaved {adj}unerzogen
ill-behaved {adj}ungezogen
ill-behaved {adj}mit schlechtem Benehmen [nachgestellt]
ill-bred {adj}schlechterzogen
ill-bred {adj}unerzogen
ill-clothed {adj}schlecht gekleidet
ill-concealed {adj}kaum verhohlen
ill-conceived {adj} [plan, policy]schlecht durchdacht
ill-concerted {adj}schlecht vereinbart
ill-conditioned {adj}schlecht beschaffen
math. stat. ill-conditioned {adj}schlecht konditioniert
ill-conditioned {adj}in schlechtem Zustand
ill-conducted {adj}schlecht geführt
ill-conducted {adj}schlecht gesittet
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A 2022-08-12: As to the 'singular use of +they',+ surely there is something contrived or...
A 2020-11-30: +Dolchstoßlegenden+ bode ill for whatever country they infest.
A 2019-01-03: +Schwendtag+ also > +ill-fated / ill-starred day+
Q 2017-03-25: It's an ill wind that blows nobody (any) good.
Q 2017-02-24: well and ill
A 2016-03-02: Rather reliable LINX — +test stand+ fares ill in these sources
A 2016-03-01: Is this what you should do if you take time off work because you are ill?
A 2015-09-13: term = terminally ill ? Dann: mit Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten für Patienten ...
A 2015-08-24: Ill-fated -
A 2015-08-24: Ill-fated spot?
Q 2015-06-20: He dealt ill.
A 2015-06-19: Correction: +He dealt ill with me once and showed his true colors!” She lo...
Q 2015-03-04: no ill-feeling
A 2015-02-24: ill-used
Q 2015-02-24: an ill-used woman
A 2015-02-07: Context - perhaps a somewhat ill-chosen expression (stuff happens, you know)
A 2015-01-29: Some people tell horror stories about National Health. For me so far it ha...
A 2015-01-27: I'm afraid there's little hope of passing / expect the worst / I'm afraid ...
A 2014-12-08: ill try
A 2014-07-05: Naturally, there is also +to be off ill+ ... No real consistency in usage....

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