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Dictionary English German: illness

Translation 1 - 50 of 138  >>

English German
NOUN   an illness | illnesses
SYNO   illness | malady | sickness ... 
med. illness
Krankheit {f}
Erkrankung {f}
Kranksein {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to feign illnessKrankheit vorschützen
to feign illnesssich krank stellen [Krankheit vortäuschen]
to pretend illnessKrankheit vortäuschen
to sham illnessvorgeben, krank zu sein
to simulate illnesssich krank stellen
2 Words: Nouns
med. accompanying illnessBegleiterkrankung {f}
med. acute illnessakute Erkrankung {f}
med. psych. addictive illnessSuchtkrankheit {f}
med. altitude illnessHöhenkrankheit {f}
med. autoimmune illnessAutoimmunkrankheit {f}
med. childhood illnessKinderkrankheit {f}
med. chronic illnesschronische Krankheit {f}
med. clinical illnessklinische Krankheit {f}
med. common illnessVolkskrankheit {f}
med. critical illnesskritische Erkrankung {f}
dangerous illnessernste Erkrankung {f}
dangerous illnessgefährliche Erkrankung {f}
med. deadly illnesstödliche Krankheit {f}
med. dementia illnessDemenzerkrankung {f}
psych. depressive illnessdepressive Erkrankung {f}
med. fatal illnesstödliche Krankheit {f}
med. final illnessTodeskrankheit {f}
med. final illnessletzte, tödliche Krankheit {f}
FoodInd. gastr. med. foodborne illnessLebensmittelvergiftung {f}
med. illness behaviour [Br.]Krankheitsverhalten {n}
med. illness experienceKrankheitserfahrung {f}
lingering illnessSiechtum {n} [geh.]
long illnessSiechtum {n} [geh.]
psych. mental illnessGeisteserkrankung {f}
psych. mental illnessGeistesgestörtheit {f}
psych. mental illnessGeisteskrankheit {f}
psych. mental illnesspsychische Erkrankung {f}
med. mortal illnesstödliche Krankheit {f}
med. mountain illnessGebirgskrankheit {f}
med. occupational illnessBerufskrankheit {f}
med. precipitate illnessplötzliche Erkrankung {f}
previous illnessvorherige Krankheit {f}
protracted illnesslangwierige Krankheit {f}
med. protracted illnessverschleppte Krankheit {f}
psych. psychiatric illnesspsychiatrische Krankheit {f}
psych. psychosomatic illnesspsychosomatische Krankheit {f}
psych. psychotic illnessPsychose {f}
med. respiratory illnessAtemwegserkrankung {f}
med. respiratory illnessErkrankung {f} der Atemwege
med. rickettsial illness [Rocky Mountain spotted fever]Zeckenbissfieber {n} durch Rickettsia rickettsii [Rocky-Mountain-Fieber, São-Paulo-Fieber]
med. secondary illnessZweiterkrankung {f}
serious illnessernste Erkrankung {f}
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A 2019-11-11: short illness???
A 2019-05-09: https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=JjLUXO3TLqOLmwXvjICYCg&q=Illness...
Q 2019-05-09: disease or illness
A 2016-04-27: have to https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22submit+a+certificate+of+illness%22
A 2015-01-29: urgent illness is just as bad
Q 2015-01-29: urgent or acute illness
A 2015-01-19: I agree with Windfall that circulation problems are not a common illness i...
A 2014-11-24: X is an eleven-year-old boy who has suffered from a mysterious/mystery ill...
A 2014-05-25: Behind mental illness
A 2013-11-06: Please excuse me from this week's lesson due to illness. (Quite formal)
A 2013-02-01: I was deeply shocked to hear of his long illness until God chose to call h...
A 2012-12-16: Mental illness
A 2012-11-19: they give vivid descriptions of how the disease / illness was defeated / o...
Q 2012-10-01: Collocation possible: to bequeath an illness?
Q 2012-02-11: I'm mired in a foul ennui as my wife's illness advances.
A 2011-02-11: We are sorry that you have had to cancel because of illness and hope you g...
A 2010-11-14: well, if you see the present state as a kind of illness -
A 2010-04-08: If it's a serious illness, then: I'm going to make it. (AE)
A 2010-02-05: In cases of illness, it's worth taking the time to convince oneself...
A 2009-10-13: ... machen ein Quiz ('haben Quiz' sounds like they're suffering from an il...

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