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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: illuminated
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Dictionary English German: illuminated

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
ADJ   illuminated | more illuminated | most illuminated
VERB  to illuminate | illuminated | illuminated ... 
SYNO   illuminated | lighted | lit ... 
illuminated {adj} {past-p}
illuminated {adj} {past-p}
illuminated {adj} {past-p}
illuminated {adj} {past-p}
illuminated {adj} {past-p}
2 Words: Others
festively illuminated {adj}festlich erleuchtet
2 Words: Nouns
illuminated advertisingLeuchtreklame {f}
market. illuminated advertisingLeuchtwerbung {f}
traffic illuminated baton [traffic]Straßenverkehrsreglerleuchtstab {m}
archi. constr. illuminated ceilingLichtdecke {f}
illuminated displayLeuchtanzeige {f}
illuminated displaybeleuchtete Anzeige {f}
electr. illuminated dotLeuchtpunkt {m}
electr. illuminated keyLeuchttaste {f}
illuminated letterLeuchtbuchstabe {m}
illuminated letterLichtbuchstabe {m}
illuminated magnifierLupenleuchte {f}
publ. illuminated manuscriptBilderhandschrift {f}
art publ. illuminated manuscriptsBilderhandschriften {pl} [auch: Bilder-Handschriften]
illuminated mirrorLichtspiegel {m}
illuminated panelLeuchttafel {f}
3 Words: Others
electr. LED not illuminated.LED leuchtet nicht.
3 Words: Nouns
(illuminated) vanity mirror(beleuchteter) Kosmetikspiegel {m}
(illuminated) vanity mirror(beleuchteter) Make-up-Spiegel {m}
tools (LED) illuminated toolLeuchtwerkzeug {n}
dent. illuminated mouth mirrorbeleuchteter Mundspiegel {m}
tech. illuminated push-buttonLeuchtdrucktaster {m}
automot. illuminated scuff platebeleuchtete Einstiegsleiste {f}
4 Words: Others
illuminated by the snow {adj}schneeerhellt [dichter.]
4 Words: Nouns
church illuminated by candlesvon Kerzen erleuchtete Kirche {f}
optics tech. electro-optical illuminated panelelektrooptisches Leuchtfeld {n}
illuminated (hair-line) graticulebeleuchtete Strichplatte {f} [Optik]
5+ Words: Others
electr. Stand-by LED illuminates / is illuminated.Bereitschafts-LED leuchtet (auf).
electr. The red LED is not illuminated.Die rote LED leuchtet nicht.
5+ Words: Nouns
electr. (outlet) power strip with (illuminated) power switchMehrfachsteckdose {f} mit (beleuchtetem) Schalter
tech. control panel with illuminated keysBedienfeld {n} mit hinterleuchteten Tasten
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Everything is Illuminated [novel: Jonathan Safran Foer, film: Liev Schreiber]Alles ist erleuchtet
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A 2023-08-14: Has to be illuminated, I think.
A 2007-09-28: is illuminated - passive!
A 2007-06-18: 'illuminated' indeed
A 2007-06-18: Bus shelter signs are often just called illuminated signs
A 2006-07-19: how about: the facing of goods is illuminated on center/in the middle/amidst?
A 2004-09-23: illuminated / well-lit

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