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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: illusion-of-truth
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: illusion of truth

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psych. illusion-of-truth effectWahrheitseffekt {m}
Partial Matches
lit. F The Future of an IllusionDie Zukunft einer Illusion [Sigmund Freud]
psych. illusion of controlIllusion {f} von Kontrolle
psych. illusion of selfIllusion {f} des Selbst
optics twisted cord illusion [Fraser spiral illusion]Verdrehte-Schnur-Illusion {f}
to abandon an illusionsich von einer Illusion lösen
This is an illusion though.Dies ist jedoch eine Illusion.
film F Grand Illusion [La Grande Illusion / Jean Renoir]Die große Illusion
to be under the illusion that ...sichAkk. der Illusion hingeben, dass ...
to cherish an illusionsich einer Illusion hingeben
to indulge in an illusioneiner Illusion anhängen
to cherish an illusioneine Illusion haben
to cherish an Illusioneiner Illusion anhängen
film F Stargate: The Ark of Truth [Robert C. Cooper]Stargate: The Ark of TruthDie Quelle der Wahrheit
film F Illusion in a Minor KeyIllusion in Moll [Rudolf Jugert]
to cling to an illusionsich an eine Illusion klammern
lit. F The Scorpio Illusion [Robert Ludlum]Die Scorpio-Illusion
illusion of controlKontrollillusion {f}
illusion of hearingHörillusion {f}
illusion of spaceRaumillusion {f}
rope of sandIllusion {f}
theatre theater of illusion [Am.]Illusionstheater {n}
optics barberpole / barber-pole illusion [also: barber pole illusion]Barber-Pole-Illusion {f}
philos. relig. certainty of truthWahrheitsgewissheit {f}
philos. concept of truthWahrheitsbegriff {m}
conception of truthWahrheitsauffassung {f}
philos. criterion of truthWahrheitskriterium {n}
degree of truthWahrheitsgrad {m}
love of truthWahrheitsliebe {f}
philos. problem of truthWahrheitsproblem {n}
philos. relig. question of truthWahrheitsfrage {f}
philos. theory of truthWahrheitstheorie {f}
philos. truth of factTatsachenwahrheit {f}
relig. truth of faithGlaubenswahrheit {f}
truth of lifeLebenswahrheit {f}
relig. truth of salvationHeilswahrheit {f}
element of truthKörnchen {n} Wahrheit
ray of truthKörnchen {n} Wahrheit
law ascertainment of the truthWahrheitsfindung {f}
claim to / of truthWahrheitsanspruch {m}
establishment of the truthWahrheitsfindung {f}
philos. relig. knowledge of (the) truthWahrheitserkenntnis {f}
proof of the truthWahrheitsbeweis {m}
seeker of / after truthWahrheitssuchender {m}
seeker of / after truthWahrheitssucher {m}
of a truth {adv} [archaic]wahrlich [geh.]
philos. concept of truthBegriff {m} der Wahrheit
inversion of truthVerkehrung {f} der Wahrheit
pursuit of truthStreben {n} nach Wahrheit
pursuit of truthSuche {f} nach Wahrheit
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